Chapter 5

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While the interns continued to gossip at lunch, Meredith made her way to her husband's office. Not bothering to knock, she barreled her way in. Stalking up to his desk where he sat reading a chart, she grabbed his hand to look at his ring.

"It's there. I see it. I knew it was there considering I did put it on you 7 years ago," she snapped.

"What's there, and what's got you all worked up like this?" he asked, looking at his hand.

"Your wedding ring is there."

"Of course, it's there. Where else would it be?" he wondered.

"Nowhere. Just, ugh," she huffed, plopping herself down on his lap.

"Does this constitute as touching? Because last time I checked, I was banned. I happen to remember getting a lecture this morning on professionalism from my favorite intern who wants to be treated like the rest. Yet, she's sitting in my lap right now."

"Shut up," Meredith pouted, "and no other interns are allowed anywhere near your lap." She emphasized her words by poking his chest.

"Ok, woman. Stop hurting me and tell me what's got you all bothered." He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips for a chaste kiss.

"I was having lunch by myself, not wanting to be bothered. Then, all the other interns came and sat wanting to gossip like it was high school. First, they brought up the fact that one of the interns is Ellis Grey's daughter."

Derek interjected, "They know it's you?"

"No. Well yes, they know someone is her daughter. They just don't know it's me yet. So then, the next topic became you."

"Me? They know?" he asked again.

"No. They just wanted to gossip about how hot and dreamy you are," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Oooh, I'm starting to like this conversation," he smirked.

Expertly ignoring her husband's cockiness, she continued on her rant. "Dr. Stevens wants to know your story and wants in your pants. I pointed out that you're married and she didn't even care. She didn't care, Derek!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I care. Whatever they gossip about has no effect on me. I am a very happily married man, and only one intern is ever getting in my pants," he replied seductively. He kissed her cheek, nose, and forehead, which calmed her down.

"Well I still don't like it," she huffed back, almost sounding like a petulant child.

"I love you. Since you snuck into that club, pretended to be of age, and hustled me into buying you a drink, I've been in love with you. I've loved you and only you."

"I know, but it still doesn't mean I don't have a right to be upset when other women have such disregard for that ring," she continued to pout.

"It is a nice ring."

"It is. I picked it out myself."

"I remember," he winked.

"Maybe you need a bigger flashier one like mine," she said innocently.

"I love my ring, Mer, so it's not changing or going anywhere. Some random intern doesn't matter, ok?

"Ok," she affirmed.

Derek leaned in to kiss her, but at the last moment, she jumped out of his lap.

"Banned, remember?" she smirked, running out of his office before he could even attempt to try to catch her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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