Chapter 4

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Meredith had a few minutes to eat lunch before going back to the library to try and figure out what was going on with her patient, Katie Bryce. She wanted to figure out what was wrong with her to save her life. However, what she didn't want was to operate with Derek on the first day. That would not look good.

Knowing that Derek was in some boring meeting since he kept texting her dirty messages, she looked for a table so that she could sit alone and eat her lunch in peace.

She was disrupted when one of Bailey's other interns all started to make their way to her table.

"Hey, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie. Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked, way too perky for her liking.

"Um, sure," Meredith replied. Before Meredith could get another word in, the rest of Bailey's interns, George the creepy guy who said he wasn't gay, Alex the cocky looking jock, and Cristina the angry-looking Asian girl, all took a seat at her table and started gossiping.

"There's a purebred in our class." Cristina blurted out.

"So what?" Alex retorted, "I'm sure half of us interns have doctors for parents."

"It's not just any doctor, it's Ellis Grey's daughter," Cristina replied, causing Meredith to jerk her head up.

"Ellis Grey? The Ellis Grey?" George stuttered out.

"Yup," Cristina affirmed, "Imagine growing up with her as a parent. She's going to have every doctor wanting to work with her. She's got a leg up."

"Do we know who it is?" Izzie asked enthusiastically, joining the conversation, "They've got to have the last name Grey, right?"

"I haven't met anyone with the last name Grey," George responded.

"Neither have I," Alex added.

"Do we know if she was ever married? Maybe she's got her dad's last name," Cristina deduced.

During their conversation, Meredith sunk into her chair and ate her bad salad with her plastic fork in peace, while trying to disappear into oblivion.

"What's the deal with Dr. Shepherd," Izzie asked, moving the conversation to a new topic. This caused Meredith's head to jerk up a second time.

"What deal? I have no deal."

"Oh, not you. I meant the new Head of Neurosurgery. Isn't he hot? Does anyone know if he's taken?"

"He's taken," Meredith snapped immediately, "He was the attending on my case today. He was wearing a ring."

"Izzie has a crush on the dreamy neurosurgeon," Cristina teased, pointing out the obvious.

"I do not. He's just really cute. Do you think I'd have a change anyways? He's an attending. I'm an intern."

Meredith was in disbelief that this blonde bimbo was wondering if she had a chance with her husband when she had just pointed out that he was married. She had this urge to poke Izzie's stupid eyes out with her plastic cafeteria fork.

"I'm done. I've got to go," Meredith jumped up from the table after getting a text from Derek saying that he was done with his meeting. She left the cafeteria in a hurry with only one location on her mind.

"What was that?" Alex wondered out loud.

"Maybe she has the hots for him too," Cristina said.

"No. She is nice and sweet. She wouldn't," George stuttered once again.

"You have the hots for her, don't you Georgie?" Alex teased.

"I do not," George refuted, "and my name is not Georgie."

"Anyways, even if you do Georgie, she's pretty taken herself considering the six digits worth of diamonds on her ring finger. Her hubby's loaded."

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