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Azrael sighed as he pulled up with his friends to the formal hangout that his collages invited him through email, a gentleman's club. Senorita's Cámara, of course Daniel would choose here. His love of biracial to hispanic women was evident as a clear day. He was told to wear a suit, cause everyone who comes to the Cámara wears suits while the women who work there wore dresses that shown off their sensuality. He walked in with Daniel and his other friends Jaden and Chris, eyes wide at the business they entered. The lady with blonde hair no older than 30 took them to the bar, with the bartender being a young man named Miguel was serving. 

"Welcome to Senorita's Cámara, what can I serve you tonight?" Miguel asked

"Let me get a whiskey straight." Daniel said. 

Miguel nodded, then proceeded to ask Jaden and Chris what they wanted. They wanted the manhattan, typical New Yorker thing. When Miguel asked Azrael what he wanted, he stated The Godfather, a scotch whiskey and amaretto served over ice. He always drank The Godfather at bars, it was his signature. The bartender came back with their drinks and the siped it away, and disappeared to assist other customers. The boys were chatting while Azrael drank his drink slowly, savoring its taste, contemplating if he wanted another one. 

Then the host that took them to the bar came and tapped on the microphone, the slight static attracting everyone to pay attention to her. 

"Gentlemen, I am glad to present to you, on this very stage, the beautiful and enchanting , Solána" She spoke with a smile. 

The men began to clap and whistle in pure joy. With Daniel, Jaden, and Chris doing the same. Making him wonder who is Solána and what power she has over a group of men that most definitely have wives at home. 

Then the satin curtains opened on the sides, and there go the infamous Solána go. With a pearly white smile that made the whole room warm. Everyone staring at her in awe. 

Her hair was black and tied in a low bun, with pieces of her curls coming out of the bun. Her makeup was completely soft but with a bold semi dark red lip on her. Her dress was a black one covered in subtle glitters that shined enough to where even from afar you can see her, it even had a slit. She had on one small heart shaped necklace and diamond studs in her ears. Her heels strappy and criss crossed on her calf.  She had tattoos which stood out against her skin. Azrael seen why everyone was starstrucked on little miss Solána. 

She walked up to the microphone and taking in a deep sigh away from it and began, her voice illuminating the room. 

Cinco minutos, quédate solo cinco más

No ves que al parecer

Por ti tengo una enfermedad

Azrael peeled back for a moment. He was expecting an average singer, realizing that's the prettiest voice he has ever heard in awhile. Made his heart beat a little harder. He whistled, which was unprovoked which made the bartender Miguel chuckle and tap the table. 

"I think you should hold off on the whistle, she got more under her than what you are hearing." Miguel said.

"Really, I'll take your word for it." Azrael responded. 

Solána grabbed her mic and walked down the stairs, but he couldn't hear her heels on them. She stood in the middle and the light hit her face her eyes looking like burning ember, she continued singing. 

Te estoy llorando

No te vayas tan pronto de mi

Quiero comerte el corazón

Te gritan mis brazos, necesito tu amor

Azrael leaned forward and watched as she moved. She moved as if this was in her blood, which made him realized that obviously it was. She had the rhythm and it probably match any song she wanted. Shimming her shoulders while the sway of her hips matched, having the men dance along with her. He was absolutely enticed by her. Then shockingly she locked eyes with him, making him feel absolutely warm. Her agile feet made it fast to reach him and caressed his face while continuing to sing just to him looking into his eyes making his whole heart stop in the process. 

¿Por qué me fui a enamorar de ti?

Si sabía que era prohibido

Nunca quise lastimar

Desearía no saber amar

Solána dropped her hand from his face and gave him a smile with her eyes. She continued singing until she reached the end and back up the stage. When she turned around and the light hit her face for a final time she ended the song. The satin curtains closed, with just a little glimpse of her eyes being visible. Everyone was clapping & cheering, throwing the red roses that were on the tables. Miguel chuckled yet again making the men at the bar look back at him. 

"Little do they know she hates red roses." He chuckled once more. 

Azrael looked at him sideways, what woman hates red roses? he thought to himself. He seen Ms. Solána walk towards the bar, while the lights inside where dimed. She looked like an angel. Her hair was out of the bun and it flowed to her tailbone. She sat on the bar chair next to Azrael, and looked up at Miguel. 

"Miguelito, can I have beer? I'm not feeling the whiskies or wine." Solána said. 

The boys stared at her, trying to figure out what hispanic she was. Daniel opened his mouth and decided to ask her. 

"Ms. Solána are you Cuban?" Daniel asked her. 

She looked at him and raised her brow. Her eyes a warm chocolate, but dark, looking at him. She gave him a giggle sitting herself up straight. 

"Oh mijo, no I'm not Cuban. I'm Mexican, from Guadalajara." She responded.

They stared at her for a moment, eyes just as big as a deer caught in headlights. Azrael looked at her and took a sip of his drink, ask her his question. 

"Why don't you like roses?" He asked staring at her.

Miguel stared hard at him like he lost his mind, while she on the other hand just smirked at him.

"They're generic. Every woman loves the idea of a man giving them roses. I love flowers like Freesias , Dahlias, Lantanas and Marigolds. I just feel like roses are very much basic." She responded. 

Azrael smiled at her and she smiled right back him, showing her teeth. Her teeth were white and her canines where long enough to look like fangs but not the crazy long ones. Her mouth looked perfect to him, her lips did too but he wasn't going to state that out loud. 

"So what brings you guys here? Normally the Cámara is for men who have wives and they simply can't bear the idea to go home to them and their kids on time." Solána asked. 

"We wanted to see what it was about, it seems like you guys are popular." Chris responded. 

"Ah, is that so. Hmm well it's nice to see new faces. Especially since they're cute." She responded winking at Azrael. 

Miguel giggled at her and she gave out a chuckle. Like telepathically they was speaking to each other. She handed him the empty beer bottle and a 20 dollar bill, and stepped off the chair. Her dress came to her side,  still showing a little leg while at it. She waved goodbye at them, and having her feet glide her back to the backroom. Her perfume leaving a scent in the area they was at. The boys furthered their conversations and decided to call it a night. Walking to their cars and such as Miguel called out to Azrael to catch his attention. Miguel was holding a small piece of paper that had a strong aroma. 

"This is for you, I think you'll enjoy it." Miguel said, running off back to the bar. 

Azrael opened the paper and saw there was writing on it, in red ink & a light sheer lip gloss print on it that shimmered. 

It was great hearing and seeing you tonight, hope to see more of you again. XOXO, Solána. 

Then a phone number was at the bottom. He was wondering if it was a joke on his heart or was she being genuine. He decided he was going text her when he got home. He didn't need the boys in his business but most importantly he didn't want to be played a fool. 

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