A Crimson Knight's Daily Adventure [Klee]

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It was simply nothing but a usual busy day for the Mondstadt citizens, everyone chatting to each other, the dandelions flying the breeze and the blessings of the Anemo Archon is felt. But to a young little child, it's a bright and energetic day for her. What may new adventures that starts today?

Klee woke up in her lovely soft pajamas, the crimson eyes displaying hyper-activeness as soon as she opened her eyes. "Yay, a new day!" The young elf shouts in happiness, as her wee little arms stretched out with excitement. She hopped off her bed swiftly, small cute feet touching the cold floor. "Brr! How cold was is yesterday when Klee slept?" She turned around and saw how messy her bed has become, being heavily surprised on where her pillows have gone. "Klee's pillow is missing!" She yelped in sadness, "Klee hopes she finds it quickly..."

As soon at the young elf leans down and look around her bedroom, someone with beige and fluffy hair came in. "Klee, are you okay? I heard you scream." said the person that came in. Klee turned around and saw her one and only brother, Albedo. Her sadness was almost wiped away when she felt familiar to the calm and humble voice of his brother. "You look sad so early in the morning. Do you need help?" Albedo asks, being worried for the young girl's loss of excitement. "Hm, Klee needs to find her pillows or else her room will be messy!"

Albedo walked closer to Klee and kneeled down to her height, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Leave it to me Klee," Albedo whispers, "Go outside and have fun for me. I'll clean your room." Klee paused for a second to process what Albedo said, and realized that she now has extra time to prepare for her playtime. "Yeah! Thank you, Albedo!" she thanked her brother with happily, "Klee will have more time today thanks to you!"

Klee cupped Albedo's cheeks with her small little hands, and closed her eyes to emphasize her wide smile, with Albedo softening his eyes. "You're welcome, Klee."


Klee went downstairs after she brushed her blond hair, ready her backpack and wear her Favonius uniform. Everyday for her is always adventure. "Good morning!" She greets Noelle in the kitchen. "O-oh, Klee. Good morning to you too. Did you sleep well?" Noelle asks the young child, as she slowly admires how hyperactive the elf is. "Yeah! I'm here to eat Tea-Break Pancakes!" Noelle nodded at Klee to confirm on what she will cook today, with both people being benefitted with happiness. "Tell me, Klee." Noelle speaks as she whisks the pancake mixture, "What do you plan to do today?" Klee tilted her head and had her crimson eyes focused on Noelle, and thought of an explanation about her things to do.

"Well, Klee planned to have fun at Springvale with Diona!" Klee shouts, as she raises her limbs up in the air and fell over from her chair. The accident made a loud thud, and made Noelle flinch and spilled some of the batter. "Klee, please be careful." Noelle warns the elf child, as she cleans the kitchen table from all the batter spilled. "Sorry! Klee will be careful next time." Noelle looked back at the young elf, and smiled back with cheeks having a small tint of pink. "Is it ready yet?" Klee asks Noelle while getting back up on her seat. "I'll tell you when it's ready."


The pancake was finished so quick that Klee barely noticed. "Klee, it's finished!" Noelle calls the young elf. "Wow! So yummy!" Klee jumped in excitement as she rhythmatically clink the utensils. Noelle was pleased to see the child satisfied with her dish, the eyes softening as she adores the wholesome sight.

"Are you ready to visit Diona?" Noelle asks as she picks up the dirty utensils along with the plate. "Definitely! Klee loved the pancake." Klee went off the chair and headed off to the main hall of the headquarters, and headed to Springvale; the little child swaying her hands as she skips along the path. "Diona, here I come!"

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