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"No, no, the floral-patterned cups should be on the left!"

Yunho shoved Mingi's suggestion for the tea ceremony setup as he shoved him away, and the general huffed in defence. "I'm pretty sure Jangmi prefers the ones with the gold trim."

Yunho raised an eyebrow, teasingly challenging Mingi's assertion. "Gold trim, you say? I'm pretty sure Jangmi prefers delicate floral patterns. They're more her style."

"Sophistication, sure, but I think Jangmi also values tradition and nostalgia. The floral cups represent that perfectly."

"Tradition, yes, but let's not forget about taste. Jangmi's taste leans towards the finer things, and the gold trim has that. Beauty over practicality!"

"Beauty, yes, but Jangmi cherishes sentimentality too. The floral cups hold sentimental value for her."

The conversation continues as Yunho and Mingi passionately defend their choices, each convinced they know Jangmi's preferences best. Their playful banter continued until they finally decided with a mixture of both to ensure everyone's preferences were met.

The palace garden was a lively hub of amusing fuss as Hongjoong, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho threw themselves into the preparations for the tea party. Hongjoong, attempting to hang decorations, found himself in a battle with festive lights that seemed determined to tangle him into a knot. His brow furrowed in concentration as he attempted to untangle them without causing too much damage. "I swear, these decorations have a mind of their own," He mumbles into no one in particular.

Yeosang, filled with artistic inspiration, attempted to create a centrepiece for a tea ceremony. Meanwhile, Mingi, determined to try his hand at baking, decided to experiment with a pastry recipe. His cupcakes ended up misshapen and resembled abstract sculptures rather than traditional treats.

"Is this a tea party or a catastrophe?" Chaehwa chimes into the scene, her face quirking in amusement.

Mingi grumbles, "It's a tea-tastrophe"

As the preparations continued, Seonghwa and Jangmi entered the scene, their eyes turning in disbelief at the hilarious spectacle unfolding before them. The palace occupants, briefly pausing looked at each other sheepishly as they welcomed the couple.

"Jongho!" Jangmi widened her eyes, detangling her grip on the Prince as she scurried to the shed where Jongho was brewing tea amidst the chaos. The redhead, upon hearing her beam, cast her gaze towards her as his lips curved upwards.

"Jangmi," He nods, showcasing his gummy smile.

"I see you've finally gotten rid of the wheelchair," She observed, her smile filled with pride as she looked at his changed appearance. He now stood confidently, his body noticeably stronger and more muscular, able to walk without needing any assistance. It was clear evidence of her determination and hard work paying off, showing how far he had come on his path to recovery.

The redhead humbly laughs, "All because of you" He then casts his gaze towards the commotion before ushering the Prince and her, "Go and find your seats, and please do disregard the chaos. It'll be little to no time until sanity finally finds them"

The sun bathed the palace gardens in a warm, golden glow as Jangmi and Seonghwa settled into their seats. Around them, the palace occupants bustled about, each with a specific task.

Luna was nowhere in sight. However, San was present at the scene as he carefully arranged an array of pastries on the table, his hands moving with practised precision until an exclaim was heard from afar.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now