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Third person's pov
      "Hello" The unknown little girl smiled at Ira. 

"She looks so familiar... wait, is that me?"

"You should watch yourself " She said which totally confused me.

"What do you mean?" She asked her.

She sighed turned around. "You will know it when you wake up." With that she began to walk away.

"What? W-wait! Hey stop!" I started to chase her but suddenly my surroundings began to fall down and made my vision blurry.

"Ahhh!!" She screamed frantically waking up from her sleep.

Ira's pov
   I began to pant heavily as my senses was slowly calming down.

It was just a dream...

I sighed. I must admit that it was one hell of a dream. I woke up and looked at the clock. It was showing 3.12 pm.

Wait..3.12 pm?! I slept for nearly two and a half hours?! But I don't usually sleep longer during day time. Was it the food? Damnnit. I should have eaten less! I looked at the clock again but this time something else caught my eye. The looks different. Why is it hanging at the left side of the wall? Wasn't it- wait a second. The''s black. No it's not just the wall but the entire bedroom was black! Even the bed was different!

 No it's not just the wall but the entire bedroom was black! Even the bed was different!

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This- this isn't my room! But- but how?! How did I end up here? Let me think. I made lunch, ate it and slept. I am here.. so do-does that mean someone brought me here? Was I kidnapped? Or did I get high from eating those sea food and ended up here?! Suddenly the door opened snapping my thoughts. My body stiffen. It was a lady who was dressed up in a modern maid outfit, carrying a tray of medicine and food. As she came in her eyes widened. Yeah I know that look. The look of shock. I get that a lot when people see me for the first time. I gathered all my courage and looked at her.

"Can you s-stop staring at m-me? I asked nervously.

"Oh m-mi dispiace molto madame! Non volevo metterti a disagio! È solo che sei così carina!"(Oh I-I am very sorry madam! I didn't m-mean to make you uncomfortable! It's just y-you are so pretty!) She said with a panicked expression and I didn't understand a thing she said.


"Oh- I am v-very sorry madame! I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable!" She replied with an italian accent. She seems to be very nervous.

"W-where am I? H-how did I get h-here?"

"You are in the Russo mansion madame. I will inform maestro about you." She left as she immediately entered.

Maestro? Who is she talking about? Now I am scared. Please someone help me!

Third person's pov
         Stephano was in the living room discussing with his men about the stolen material. They got the information about the person behind it. And so much to their horror, it was none other than Vincenzo Barone. Another infamous don of the Italian mafia. Stephano's sworn enemy. And apparently he send a secret agent to the Russo mafia a few years ago. He was the one who leaked information to Vincenzo. The suspected spy already escaped. Now Stephano already had to deal with the stolen load. And now, this humiliation. What would the others think about it? The thought of it made him beyond livid.

Stephano's pov
        "Quando è scappato?"(When did he escape?)

"Subito dopo che il carico è scomparso, signore. Abbiamo provato a recuperarlo inviando i nostri 6 uomini pochi giorni fa. Ma solo 5 sono tornati.  Ed era lui. Quindi abbiamo fatto un controllo in background e i suoi dati personali precedenti erano tutti falsi." (Right after the load went missing sir. We tried to retrieve it by sending our 6 men few days ago. But only 5 returned. And it was him. So we did a background check up and his previous personal data were all fake.)

" Quanto tempo ha servito per noi?"(How long did he served for us?)

"3 anni signore" (3 years sir)

"3 anni..Si è nascosto con noi per 3 anni e nessuno di voi ha notato il suo comportamento sospetto?" (3 years..He was hiding with us for 3 years and none of you noticed his suspicious behavior?) I asked them calmnly.


I was about to open my mouth then my phone ringed. I took it and it was an unknown number. I frowned while attending the call.

"Ciao mio caro nemico. Come va?" (Hello my dearest enemy. How's it going?)

I instantly recognized the voice.

Vincenzo Barone

"Ciao Vincenzo..." (Hello Vincenzo...)

"Cosa c'è che non va nella tua voce?  Sembra che tu sia arrabbiato. Come mai? Qualcuno ha... rubato il tuo carico...?" (What's wrong with your voice? Seems like you're angry. Why? Did someone...stole your load..?) He emphasized. I greeted my teeth.

Cocky bastard.

"Sai cosa Stephano, dovresti davvero considerare di prendere lezioni di gestione della rabbia. Il mio agente dice che hai un pessimo carattere. Posso solo immaginare la condizione degli altri uomini. Provo quasi pietà di loro" (You know what Stephano, you should really consider taking anger management lessons. My agent says that you have a very bad temper. I can only imagine the other men's condition. I almost feel for pity them.)

"Questa volta avevi superato i tuoi limiti. Non te la caverai." (You had crossed your limits this time. You won't get away with this.)

"Oh..molto spaventoso.  Vediamo chi se la caverà con chi. Lo aspetterò. Nel frattempo ciao!" (Oh..very scary. Let's see who will get away with whom. I will look forward to it. By the mean time bye!)
He cut the call. For a moment I could feel the rage developing inside me. Furious, I threw the phone on the floor smashing it into pieces. The guards flinched. They didn't utter a word. Because they knew if anyone did, it will be their end.

"Maestro!" A feminine voice yelled, making me more furious than before.


"Mi scusi, signore. M-ma ho s-qualcosa di importante da dire." (I am s-sorry s-sir. B-but I have s-something important to say.)


"I-Si tratta di una signora, signore. È sveglia e ha paura." ( I-It's a-about madam s-sir. She's a-awake and s-she's scared.)

Third person's pov
       Stephano's eyes widened in surprise. Without wasting any time, he ran upstairs to meet his love. Meanwhile the guards and some of the workers were taken aback by their
boss's sudden weird behavior. They were already confused by the mysterious girl. And now, their boss is running to see the girl leaving them all with unanswered questions.


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