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Third person's pov
Soon they reached the mansion. Ira was somewhat relieved.

That guy was sure creepy.

"Signora we have reached."

The bodyguard said snapping her out from thoughts.

"Oh, ok. Thanks." She thanked him before going to the mansion.

Soon after she went away, he took his phone out and started to call someone.

"Find about the employee."


The man who helped Ira to pick up the dress was now standing at the back of shop, calling someone.

"Ha preso il vestito?" (Did she got the dress?)

"Si capo". Ti manderò la foto.
(Yes boss. I will sent you the photo.)

He replied before sending the photos of Ira in the flower print dress to the unknown man.

"È lo stesso vestito che hai scelto per lei."(That is the same dress you chose for her)

"Hmm. Questo è quello. È bellissima, vero?"
(Hmm. This is the one. She looks beautiful doesn't she?)

He didn't replied making the person in the other line to get angry.

"Bene?" (Well?)

"Eh si si. Mi dispiace. Accidenti, calmati"
(Uh yes yes. I am sorry. Jeez calm down. )

"Chi era con lei?" (Who was with her?)

"Solo una guardia del corpo. Ma era molto cauto. Dovrei ucciderlo?"
(Only a bodyguard. But he was being very cautious. Should I kill him?)

"Non essere sciocco. Ucciderlo potrebbe insospettire il bastardo Russo."
(Don't be a fool. Killing him might make the bastard Russo suspicious.)

"È così? Amico..pensavo che mi sarei divertito un po'~"
(Is that so? Man..I thought I was gonna have some fun~)

"Fai come ti dico. E non fare niente di divertente, capito?"
(Just do as I say. And don't do anything funny understand?)

"SÌ, sì."
(Yeah, yeah..)

"Ha comprato qualcos'altro?"
(Did she buy anything else?)

"Solo il vestito." (Just the dress only.)

"Hai posizionato correttamente il tracker?"
(Did you put the tracker correctly?)

"SÌ." (Yes)

"Riguardo alla guardia del corpo che è venuta con lei, ho bisogno delle sue informazioni. E voglio anche che tu la tenga d'occhio."
(About the bodyguard that came with her, I need his information. And I also want you to keep tabs on her.)

"Woah, woah tienilo lì, pensavo mi fosse stato ordinato solo di consegnare il vestito?"
(Woah, woah hold it right there, I thought I was only ordered to deliver the dress?)

"So cosa ho detto. E ora voglio che tu continui a guardarla."
(I know what I said. And now I want you to keep watching her.)

"Mi stai chiedendo di... perseguitarla?"
(Are you asking me to...stalk her?")

"In un certo senso, sì."
(In a way, yes.)

"Woah, amico. Non mi sono iscritto a quella merda. Sono un sicario, non un inquietante stalker. Anche io ho rispetto, sai.)
(Woah, man. I didn't sign up for that shit. I am a hitman, not some creepy stalker. Even I have a respect too you know.)

"Ti darò un aumento."
(I will give you a raise.)

"Che cosa?"(What?)

"Ho detto che ti darò un aumento."
(I said I will give you raise.)

"Oh, è cosi? Non dirmi che il grande Vincenzo Barone è così disperato per la ragazza di Russo?"
(Oh is that so? Don't tell me the great Vincenzo Barone is that desperate for Russo's girl?)

"Forse. Quanto volete?"
(Maybe. How much do you want?)

"Proprio come mi aspettavo. Oh, e riguardo all'aumento... ne voglio trenta... di più."
(Just as I expected. Oh and about the rise...I want thirty...more.)


His other phone received a message. He checked it and it eyes widen.

"Ehi, quindi nessuna trattativa o risposta? Sto sognando o?"
(Hey, so no negotiations or talking back? Am I dreaming or?)

"Zitto Luigi. E fai il tuo lavoro."
(Shut up Luigi. And do your job.)

*laughter* "uomo sei frustato!"
(Man you are whipped!)

The phone call between the two ended. Luigi then threw his sales clothes away in trash.

"Ora troviamo un bel posto dove dormire e un laptop."
(Now let's find a nice place to sleep and a laptop)

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