Ch. 58

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Crosshairs POV
"Seriously, why are you waking me up?!"
"Because you should see this," Drift replies, sounding happy.
I get out of bed and follow Drift to Lightning's room.

The three girls are asleep, Jamie's tablet resting on her. I take a picture before Drift retrieves the tablet, closing the door as he walks out of the room. He has that look, thinking he failed Jamie again.
"Don't even-."
"How can I not?! If she was having nightmares and I didn't hear her crying!"
I worry Jamie doesn't want to sleep because of the nightmares, and Lightning kept her busy until she fell asleep.
"Easy, you worry too much," oh the look I got, "I think Lightning would have woken us up. She knows if the nightmares are about her, then she's not going to be able to calm Jamie down. We'll have to wait until they wake up to know what happened."
Drift sighs and goes to his room. I watch him plug in the dead tablet, get clothes and go into the bathroom.
We need to do something fun other than watching T.V. all day.

I tell Hound my idea, which he thinks is good for all of us, and he should be able to remove Jamie's stitches, but he wants to check Jamie's healing incisions first. Vivian gets the pool floats ready even though we don't know if we'll be doing a little pool party today.

We wait two hours for Lightning and Rangeblade to wake up. Neither of them look happy to tell us why the three girls were asleep together.
"Jamie is afraid to sleep," Lightning explains.
"But she let Lightning take her to her room. I was heading back to my room with a snack. We turned the night into a movie night and sleepover," Rangeblade explains.
I hate hearing Jamie is afraid to sleep, which means this is crushing Drift. Sleep aid would help her sleep, but would that only temporally stop the nightmares no matter how much time Lightning spends with Jamie?

Hound looks at Jamie's torso when she wakes up. Unfortunately, there's no way to look at the rib incisions without looking at her breasts. Jamie tries to stay still, but she's in pain.
"I can remove the stitches today. I'll be back in an hour," Hound explains and leaves the room.
I don't think Jamie trusts Lightning enough to give her medication through an IV. I haven't told Lightning about Jamie's condition and am not looking forward to the day Lightning watches Jamie go through a flare-up. I hope it's not any time soon.  Once the infusion starts, Drift goes to either make breakfast or get what Cogman made. 
I lay on the bed by Jamie as Lightning walks in.
"He told me to come in," Lightning says before I can ask her if she ate. She sits on the edge of the bed by Jamie, "are you ok?"
"The pain isn't as bad now, but it's hard to ignore," Jamie tells her.
Jamie lets Lightning look at her torso. Of course, Lightning is shocked. She wouldn't listen to me if I told her not to.

Lightning POV
I shouldn't be surprised by what I'm looking at or that Jamie hates me. I should be thinking she's been calm and letting me hold her as we watch T.V. because she's relaxed from sedation. Now she's dealing with pain. I should expect the same avoidance once she's on over-the-counter pain medication.

I'm about to leave when Drift and Rangeblade walk in carrying trays, and Crosshairs grabbiness my arm and makes me sit on the bed with him.
"You're staying here," he instructs and takes the tray from Rangeblade.
Jamie says nothing as we eat, but she'd getting medicine...

I stayed with Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie, and Rangeblade, though I waited for Jamie to yell at me. Hound walks in to check Jamie's incisions, but he appears prepared to remove the stitches.
"Time to remove the stitches," Hound tells us.
"Good, we can go swimming in a little bit," Drift smiles.

We let Jamie rest a little bit before deciding it was time to have fun in the pool. I know to stay away from her. What worries me is she'll be terrified I'll attempt to drown her. Crosshairs will not let me stay behind in my room either, no matter what I tell him. 

I can't believe how involved Vivian let the Autobots be in the house renovations. She just met them in June, yet she's letting them, Rangeblade, and I live here. 
"I'm sorry you couldn't be involved," Vivian apologizes.
"Sure, I couldn't decide to add something like a meditation room or onsen, but I think I would have agreed with Crosshairs adding the gym. What else could we even add?"
"I'm expecting to plan to build an additional floor once we find the others, but I don't mind.  It's still a shock my great grandfather was involved with an advanced alien race. I doubt My family was involved like this. Likely only a Autobot guardian disguised as their vehicle, and they go to secret meetings. Now, the Autobots can live among us. I don't know if Prime will let them live like us. Although Drift and Jamie are kind of together, would they be allowed to take their relationship further if Jamie didn't deny they're together?
There's something for Crosshairs or Drift to explain another time, but I wonder will Prime let us get human jobs, buy a home, or have a family with a human? These questions will likely not be answered for some time.

Not everyone wants to play in the pool. Rangeblade, Vivian, and I enjoy the hot tub. Cade and Hound relax on the lounge chairs, though I think Hound is watching Jamie, making sure she's recovering well.
The others are playing a pool game, but they don't play for long before getting on the pool floats — except for Crosshairs.
"No," I tell him before he can say anything as he stands by the hot tub, "you know how easily I can scare her?"
"I don't think she's like that," Crosshairs argues, "you don't understand; the drug keeps her from panicking, but she still chooses to be with you. The drug can't influence decisions like that."
Although our holoforms are designed to adjust to changing temperature well, Crosshairs suggests I dry off first though it seems odd since I'm going into the pool. It's heated but not like the hot tub.

Drift is slowly moving Jamie around the pool while she's in an inner tube float. I think she's going to fall asleep. 
"No, don't," I whisper as Drift takes Jamie out of the tube. She's definitely half asleep, not to be aware of what he's doing. I take Jamie from him, afraid to keep her in the water. Crosshairs joins us, hoping having her two guardians around will keep Jamie calm. She rests her head on my shoulder.
"No way she's too tired to know either," Crosshairs quickly claims.
I sit on the steps in the pool, enough to keep Jamie and me in the water for a while, before thinking it's time to get out and put her to bed. Drift tells me to lay on the lounge chair and uses a full-body towel as a blanket. The pool party is declared over. It was only an hour, but we all know the pain medication makes Jamie tired. There probably wouldn't be a pool party happening today if she was up all night with nightmares.
"You don't think she was up all night, crying alone?' I ask Crosshairs.
"No, I know you're not a heavy sleeper. You would have heard her cry."
I can't believe I'm having a hard time thinking things are turning around. Maybe it's because it's that glitch who did it, and we refuse to say we have her to thank.
"I know it's hard to think things are finally turning around, but they are," Drift smiles.
Optimus suggests putting Jamie to bed so we can talk about the next step.

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