Ch. 9

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12 hours earlier

Drift POV
Rangeblade is worried about Jamie, but Jamie will do nothing to harm herself.
"GO AWAY, CROSSHAIRS!!" Jamie yells the second I walk through the portal.
"I didn't think you are that mad at him."
I hug her, unsure what to say. I can't tell if she's frightened or mad at Crosshairs. I'll let her stay here for a few days.

Present time

Crosshairs POV
Walking out of the portal, I realize I failed to make sure Jamie was ok when she left. Even if Drift is with her, I should have made sure she was ok.
The two sit on the couch, watching T.V. Lightning is amazed by the building and how we fit with room above our helms. She's going to be shocked seeing how carefully Jamie designed this place. All metal rooms for humans and us. She couldn't believe the metal blocks we can sit on around the couches.
I'm not sure how to approach Jamie. I can't believe I let her, or Lightning, see me get so furious.
"Jamie, I would like you to return to our dimension," Prime starts.
"We need your help with an idea to show the others Rangeblade isn't bad," Lighting explains.
"I'm sorry, I hate how you, and Lightning, saw me furious."
"And we know you will, several times."
I'm amazed she's not yelling.
"Well, this is going to make things harder," Lightning comments.
Jamie let me hug her, but what else can I say?
"Please come back with us," Prime insists.
He and Drift convince her to come back with us, but I feel like I lost my friend. I don't think it's merely because Jamie saw me furious.

Lightning tries to assure me Jamie isn't mad at me to the point we're not friends, but I'm not sure. I told Lightning not to worry about it; she already has enough to worry about, seeing as she wants to show everyone Rangeblade is good, and I know she wants to get to know Jamie more. I don't know if I should stay away from Jamie or work on repairing our friendship.

Lightning POV
I can't believe Crosshairs thinks Jamie thinks they're no longer friends. All this because I think as Autobots, we don't leave any injured dentist behind.
"Let's go for a walk," I suggest.
I hate how Crosshairs went from furious to, well, I'd say uncertain more than sad.
It's clear as we walk by Drift, Prime, and Jamie.

"You think she's that mad at you?" I ask once we're far from the others.
"I don't know if she's mad or wants to avoid me, thinking I'm going to get that mad again."
And I think it's likely possible you will get that mad again. I knew this would be hard, but not this hard. Should I be concerned about what else can go wrong? Oh scrap, I hope that human doesn't find our location. I never figured out who they're after, but they're targeting Autobots to find that human.
Our walk turns into a drive into town. Crosshairs claims Drift asked him to get lunch for Jamie, but I don't believe Drift would say just for Jamie and not our other human friends.

It confirms my suspicion when Crosshairs asks me to give Jamie the food. He says nothing about not telling Jamie it's from him, but it's not like I can lie and say I got it, and Drift is with her until now as I watch him walk away. I tell her Crosshairs got the food; Jamie took it and started eating, sharing some food with me.
"Are you mad at Crosshairs?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.
Sorry, Crosshairs, but I can't ignore this.
"No, I-I..."
I watched tears roll down her face before catching Crosshairs walk away.
I don't understand what she's thinking, but it's upsetting her.

An hour passes before Prime wants to talk to everyone. Rangeblade is afraid the others will start a fight with her, and Jamie can't look at Crosshairs.
"You're kicking her out?" Hound asks.
"No, I believe Rangeblade has no plans to harm us. We must learn to trust her," Optimus replies, "we must learn to trust her."
He told us about his plan, which is impressive since the Autobots are no longer working with N.E.S.T. I feel like we learned about how children learn to trust each other. Hound and Crosshairs don't like the idea.
"You want to team me up with the con!" Crosshairs yells.
"You are the one who doesn't trust Rangeblade the most; working with her is the best way to gain her trust."
Crosshairs, Jamie, Range blade, and I will be a team. While Bumblebee, Drift, Hound, and Hot Rod are another team. Cade, Tessa, and Vivian will assist Prime in refereeing, though I suspect they'll also be breaking up a lot of arguing from Crosshairs.
Crosshairs and Hound also dislike how we'll be letting Rangeblade have a holoform.
"Look at it this way; she can't attack you with her guns," I point out.
Rangeblade should know I'm just trying to help convince Crosshairs to trust her.
"Um, guys," Hot Rod interrupts us. We see Jamie walking away. Drift immediately runs after her, but Crosshairs stays.
"She's mad at me," he tells the others.
Rangeblade runs in the same direction as Drift and Jamie.
"Now, are you going to run after her? Or are you going to yell at me again? You know what? Stay here, I'll go."
I can't believe how helping one Cybertronian, looking past which side she's on in this war, caused all this shit. It's going to be rough, but I believe this will end with Rangeblade fully on our side, trusted by everyone.

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