First chapter

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I want to clarify a second and last time that English is not my native language. Those of you who do have it as your mother tongue, I apologize for any grammatical or syntax errors, or some mistake in the pronouns. Without further ado, I hope you like this story 😊.


Shin Yuna woke up shortly before the alarm clock marked the time it would start ringing. She usually woke up with the alarm, but there were days when she woke up earlier. Those days were usually work days, which made her a little nervous.

She stared at the ceiling for a few moments, before turning and glancing at her roommate's bed. Choi Jisu was still asleep. Though not for long, Yuna thought.

She turned over again, and stared at the ceiling of the room. Yuna decided that she would lie there until the alarm clock rang. She felt dulled by the vestiges of sleep.

Her mind began to wander. That day she and the rest of the ITZY members would record another version of the Not Shy choreography, but she didn't know which concept had won the fan poll a couple of days ago. Would the concept she proposed have won? She would find out once she was in the practice room. Oh, and if her mind didn't fail her, they would also record content for some behind. It was going to be a busy day, but also a fun one, especially if....

The alarm interrupted her train of thoughts, causing her to flinch a little. She had become engrossed, and heard Jisu complain as she woke up. Yuna smiled, amused, listening to the older girl.

"Good morning, unnie!"


Shin Ryujin left her room to go to the place where they would record Not Shy version whatever-MIDZY-chose. If the idea she had proposed turned out to be the winner, she would be quite amused. She had made a bet with her roommate Yeji: if either one's concept won, the loser would have to record a video doing aegyo for 30 seconds. Yeji knew how much Ryujin hated doing aegyo, so she had proposed that punishment, and Ryujin, being the good competitive spirit that she was, didn't back down.

"I hope I don't regret this," Ryujin thought as she turned right at an intersection.

She kept walking for a while, leaving corridors and more corridors behind her, with doors on either side. The JYP building was gigantic, and more than once she had gotten lost in its bowels when she was a trainee.

Yeji came out about 10 minutes before her from the room, so Ryujin wasn't surprised to find her already in the practice room. Chaeryeong was there too, talking to Yeji.

"Good morning, Chaeryeongie," greeted Ryujin with a smile.

"Oh, good morning, Ryujin-unnie," Chaeryeong said in her soft voice, a small smile on her face.

Before Ryujin could say anything else, Yeji spoke up:

"And my good morning, Ryujinie?," she asked, with a pout on her lips.

Ryujin gave her a meaningful look.

"Yejinie," she began, her voice toneless, "we slept in the same room," which meant that she was clearly the first person Ryujin almost always greeted in the mornings.

Yeji opened her catlike eyes and formed an "o" with her lips, in an expression of mock surprise.

"Oh, that's right."

Ryujin, for all response, put a big fake smile on her face. Yeji loved to tease her, and why lie, Ryujin did the same with her many times. Ryujin turned to Chaeryeong, whose smile had widened thanks to the little interaction between her friends.

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