Fourth chapter

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"I'm going with you today," Yeji said.

Ryujin put on her sweatpants and looked at her roommate.

"For real?"

Yeji let out an "uh-huh" as she reached for her workout clothes.

"Okay," Ryujin said.

She felt a twinge of frustration. She couldn't treat Yuna like she always did with Yeji present. After thinking better of it, she felt ashamed of her initial reaction. Yeji was her and Yuna's friend, not a hindrance. A single evening with Yeji present would not be a big drama.

With that reasoning, Ryujin was glad. They would have a pleasant time.


Shin Yuna was getting ready to leave her room. She was dressed in the clothes she was so familiar with lately: gray sport shirt and gray sweatpants. Before, she associated the outfit with comeback time. Nowadays, she still associated it with comebacks, but with an added bonus: Ryujin. Yuna smiled at the thought of the short-haired girl. She would probably be waiting for Yuna in the practice room. Ryujin was always earlier than her.

"I want to see you as soon as possible," Ryujin said when Yuna asked her why she was so early.

The answer, Yuna recalled, had brought an irrepressible smile to her face. Hearing Ryujin talk like that was something Yuna loved.

"Are you going out today? Again?" Jisu asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Yuna said cheerfully. "Ryujin-unnie and I will soon finish learning a choreography."

"Oh, okay," Jisu gave her a thumbs-up from her bed. "I'll go visit Chaeryeong in her room in a couple of hours."

Yuna nodded in response. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was time to leave, to meet Ryujin.

"I'm leaving," she reported as she headed for the exit.

She reached the room without delay, as usual. She opened the door, expecting to find Ryujin warming up, but was surprised to see a blonde girl with her.

"Yeji-unnie!" Yuna said as she closed the door. "You're finally coming to join us."

Yeji smiled.

"That's right."

"This changes our plans," thought Yuna as she closed the door and went to set her water bottle down next to Ryujin and Yeji's.

"I realize now that it's been a few days since I last saw you, Yeji-unnie," Yuna commented.

"And yet we live in the same building," Yeji said as she continued her warm-up.

Yuna crossed her gaze with Ryujin's. They smiled at each other. Yuna took position next to her. Normally they would chat for a while before warm-up, but with Yeji there they would jump right into training.


I'm so sick of this fake love

I'm so sorry but is fake love

Yuna dropped to the ground, exhausted. Yeji was only sweating lightly. The girl was executing the moves flawlessly and energetically, reminding Yuna why she was one of ITZY's main dancers.

"You're impressive, Yeji-unnie," Yuna snorted.

"Impressive is an understatement," Ryujin chipped in.

Yeji paused the song, looking at both of them.

"Impressive? That's good to hear," she said.

Yeji's gaze wandered around the room. She approached the large mirror that almost made up an entire wall of the room. She executed a couple of moves from the choreography of Fake Love, looking thoughtful. When she stopped, she looked at Ryujin and then at Yuna through the mirror.

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