Special: other side of the pond

193 10 4

Cause it's been a year since I started writing


Shin Yuna woke up shortly before the alarm clock marked the time it would start ringing. She usually woke up with the alarm, but there were days when she woke up earlier. Those days were usually work days, which made her a little nervous.

She stared at the ceiling for a few moments, before turning and glancing at her roommate's bed. Choi Jisu was still asleep. Though not for long, Yuna thought.

She turned over again, and stared at the ceiling of the room. Yuna decided that she would lie there until the alarm clock rang. She felt dulled by the vestiges of sleep.

Her mind began to wander. That day she and the rest of the ITZY members would record another version of the Not Shy choreography, but she didn't know which concept had won the fan poll a couple of days ago. Would the concept she proposed have won? She would find out once she was in the practice room. Oh, and if her mind didn't fail her, they would also record content for some behind. It was going to be a busy day, but also a fun one, especially if....

The alarm interrupted her train of thoughts, causing her to flinch a little. She had become engrossed, and heard Jisu complain as she woke up. Yuna smiled, amused, listening to the older girl.

"Good morning, unnie!"

Jisu cackled something indecipherable that could be interpreted as a greeting.

Yuna stood up, struggling to collect her thoughts. Where was she? Ah, yes, Ryujin. Yuna's heart fluttered in her chest, and her cheeks grew slightly warm. Such was the effect evoking Shin Ryujin's mental image had on her.

She loved spending time with Ryujin, too much to simply dismiss it as normal. She wanted to be with her all day long, touch the dimples in her cheeks and—


She looked at Jisu, who returned a scowl.

"You okay?" she asked, and continued without waiting for an answer, "You looked like you were on the moon."

"You're still sleepy, unnie," Yuna replied, turning her back to Jisu so she wouldn't see her self-conscious face. "I'm fine. What's wrong?"

"We should hurry."

"Got it." Yuna was more than okay with the idea; this way she would see Ryujin sooner.


Yuna greeted Yeji, Chaeryeong and Ryujin with hugs, prolonging the one with Ryujin a little longer, and she was pleased that Ryujin allowed such a thing.

"Ryujinie," Yuna said as they parted. She regretted the hug ending. "How do you sleep?" The question had slight undertones of genuine concern, simply because the thought of Ryujin sleeping badly didn't sit well with Yuna.

"Fine," Ryujin replied warmly. "How 'bout yours?"

"Great," Yuna said, giving Ryujin a soft smile.

They both looked at each other for a few brief seconds. For Yuna, the buzz of the staff and the other girls' chatter was muffled—it was as if her attention to the sounds had been drawn away to the sight of the pretty girl before her.

The moment ended all too soon, as a staff member walked past them, laughing at something him co-worker was saying to him.

Ryujin shook her head —Yuna can' t figure out in response to what—, gave her a last glance and walked towards Yeji, Jisu and Chaeryeong's group. Yuna followed her, thoughtfully. She liked to feel what she felt for Ryujin, but she didn't like to hide it. That wasn't fun. However, saying something to Ryujin... Her mind was shutting down at the thought. It could mess up her nice relationship with Ryujin if she said something awkward.

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