Tenth chapter

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She was living a nightmare.

Ryujin couldn't think otherwise. The worst, her greatest fear in the whole world, had happened. Her only faint hopes that he could convince the public that the photos were fake were crushed when she detailed those very photos. As soon as she could calm down enough to sit on the couch and, with trembling hands, review the web article, she realized she was screwed. There was no loss: she could clearly make out her and Yuna's features in those photos. The first ones she saw were taken from behind, but it didn't help matters because she had turned her head until her profile was recognizable when she kissed Yuna, whose features were also distinguishable.

There were photos from another angle. These were taken from the front and farther away than the previous ones, but the zoom of the camera the bastard had used was very powerful.

Not content with that, the bastards (there were more than one, judging by the different angles of the photos) also had a video. A fucking video. Ryujin felt embarrassed, furious and indignant that they had recorded such a special moment for her. The moment when Yuna had become her and she had become Yuna's.

The fireworks. The fucking fireworks had provided enough light to tell that Ryujin and Yuna had a spotlight above their heads. What was Ryujin to know that someone would use them against her? It was so unlikely that she could only shake her head in disbelief.

Ryujin and the rest were taken out of their new dormitory the same day they heard the news. They went back to their old dorms, and Yeji became their roommate again.

Yeji. Yeji had spent so many hours exuding anger that Ryujin feared she might even go so far as to hit her. She knew Yeji was incapable of it, but the look on her face was terrifying. Within two days of the news, Yeji had calmed down, but instead of relieving Ryujin, it made her feel worse. The look Yeji was giving her didn't contain anger anymore, it contained disappointment and sadness. Ryujin had failed her, and Ryujin knew well that Yeji didn't deserve to be failed.

No one came to tell them anything for a week. They were forbidden to leave the dormitories and the building. There were guards posted at their doors, and even at the front door of the building.

Ryujin had her phone, but all she did with it was look at the article over and over again wishing it wasn't real, until on the fourth day she stopped looking at it, feeling like she was going to go crazy. RYUJIN was trending number one on Naver, with YUNA in second place and ITZY in third. She didn't dare look up any of the words. If she tried, her heart would start pounding and she would start shaking. She hadn't checked Twitter or Bubble either. Her parents called, but Ryujin hung up on all the calls. She sent them a message, telling them she couldn't talk about anything.

"I'm scared, Ryujin," was the last thing Yuna said to her before they were separated.

"I'm scared, Ryujin" haunted her every night before she went to sleep. The seven days she was blind would later become a haze filled with fear and despair.

On the eighth day, the group's manager came looking for them. Yeji peppered him with questions, but he answered none; he simply told them to follow him.

Ryujin, Yeji and the manager went to the administrative part of JYP. They entered a room, where the window facing the street had the curtains drawn and the window facing the rest of the cubicles on the floor with the blinds down.

Jisu, Chaeryeong and Yuna were waiting inside.

"Yuna," Ryujin said as soon as she saw her.

Yuna jumped up and walked around the long table to approach Ryujin. Ryujin held her tightly in her arms, sinking her face into the hollow of her neck and breathing in the fragrance of her hair. For the first time in eight days, she found a shred of peace.

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