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(y/n)s POV

After my little chat with the devil i went to the main floor and cleaned a bit, when was the last time these floors were moped? I sighed to myself, what exactly did i get myself into? 'i'm already yours' how can I even say that if he treats me so badly? He hurts me and yet... I want to be close to him? Something's wrong with me. That day i signed away my soul everything changed. And those foul things i let him do to me. I'm so angry!

"I think that spots clean now toots" a raspy voice said. I stopped aggressively mopping, i looked up to see none other than Wheezy. I laughed uncomfortably. "I guess you're right". He took his cigar out of his mouth and put it out on an ashtray on the nearby bar-surface. "You think we could have that drink now" he said as he got up to one of the stools and ordered 2 glasses of whisky. "Yeah, sure" i didn't see a way out of this so i might as well. I hoist myself onto the stool on his left. He was way taller then me, even sitting he had to look down on me.

"I understand that you're having a, what's the right word... Difficult stay here" he takes his glass and puts one down for me, mine seemed to have more ice. He then waved off the bartender so we could chat alone. "What makes you say that?" I started to sweat a little. I stared down into my glass. "Anyone can see that your afraid for your life toots" he sighed deeply as he brought his gaze to my frame. "You can't even make eye contact with me? Do you think I'm gonna kill you just cause you looked me in the eyes? I'm not a monster kid" i slowly look back up and meet his gaze. "Of course I'm afraid! I don't know you! I don't know this places! And the devil owns my soul! Hell, i even walked in on fucking king dice playing with you know what" i started to tear up. "What kinda horn-hole is this even!" I panted a bit at the end, try to catch my breath. Wheezy was silent for a bit and the burst out laughing. "My, my! I didn't know you had such a mouth on ya toots!" He brushed away a tear of laughter. "Of course there's gonna be horny peeps, i mean have you not noticed we're in the devil's casino?" He finally calmed down and pointed at a stage in the back with a loosely dressed succubus. "And if you've forgotten there are literally strippers everywhere here" i quickly looked away from the dancing lady. "Besides you haven't seen the worst of it kid, consider yourself lucky" i had a questioning look on my face when he said that. "I do some of the security surveillance, checking the cams, you know?" My face turned bright red. Did he see what i did? What Lucifer did to me? "There are cameras around here?" I said shocked. "Yup! In every room, except for Satan's layer. So trust me... I've seen some shit" he downed his whiskey at the end. Jeez, i do not want to know. I drink a sip of mine and hold it in both hands as i stare at it. "Toots...'' i look him in the eyes. "I know having a... Relationship with the devil isn't easy, but you gotta cut him some slack." He looked away from me. "He was an angel after all. And when he expressed himself and his feeling... He was rejected and made king of hell. He... Doesn't understand love. I mean, he tries to not feel it ever and i think you're making that hard for him. So he takes it out on you, but he hates himself afterwards. He thinks you're making him week 'cause that's what he's been told. He was betrayed by the one's he once loved. He's afraid, but won't ever agree. I have a feeling you can change him for the better, after all... Heaven is what made him the king of hell and chaos."

I never thought about it this way. I know how it feels. The heavenly place abandoned me as well, just because I was different. "Why are you telling me this?" I looked up at him, tears threatening to spill. " 'cause i think... No, i know he'll listen to you and you will get through to him" he got of his stool. "If you ever feel down or just need a quick chat, know that i won't be far" he put his hands in the pockets of his coat and walked away, leaving me sitting at the bar alone. "Huh..." I heard something and looked to my left, it was dice. "(Y/n)!" He panted like he had just run a marathon. "I'm so sorry you saw that" i put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a big smile. "It's okay dice, i get it, just lock your door next time for the love of all" he laughed awkwardly. "You're right". He then left to do whatever as i made my way back to the office. I knocked twice and to my surprise i found the devil in his more human form with glasses on. He was startled when he saw me. "Oh! Uh... (Y/n).. did you need something?" I went up to him, around his desk and held his shoulders. My stare soften when I looked into his eyes. "You know, you're very handsome with glasses on" then i gently kissed him. "(Y/n)" i pulled away. "I'm... Sorry. I wasn't gentle back then even though you just did something very exhausting." He looked away. "It's quite alright, will you hold me?" I let my wings on fold and wrap them around him as i climb onto his lap. "...sure"

Guess who's back????
I know this is quite shit, but I'm still gonna write this storyline, yay!!!
Wonder what'll happen next?

I-I don't know why I like you. (the devil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now