hospital trip

288 8 13

Your POV




My head hurts...




What happened?... I don't remember.
I try and open my eyes. I'm almost blinded by the bright white lights.




Am i back? Back home?... I try and take a deep breath. I can feel something on my face.


I try and sit up straight. That's when i feel it.



Pain, it's all i feel in this moment. I hear people rushing in. I can hear talking, but no words.


At least none that i understand.

"Jzg€#ehz-, hzv;pan@?!"

I don't know if they're talking to me or amongst themselves.


I feel something and rip it off my chest, that sharp sound stopping. Finally, it was getting annoying. I feel a needle injected into my left leg.

"La_n'dhu&*nd, (y/n)?"

I can finally make out something in the mangle of letters. It's my name.
And after that everything went back to black.

Dice POV

I watch her go back to sleep. Her eyes slowly closing, but i didn't want them to close. I was happy she opened them, but... It might be for the best.

That scream...
That terrible scream. It was just like the one we heard before finding her. Limp, bloody and with the devil grinning at her dead looking body like he was proud. She shouldn't have been with him, never, she should never be with him.

I knew about the hallucinations. I could've spared her this. I was just talking with the dokter before she had awoken, about how her wing bones are still fixable to reform, but too mangled for her to ever be able to fly again. And that was all she had left. She was abandoned and lost her home, all she had left of her past up there was her wings and even that was taken away. By him...

But i never thought he would take it this far, sure I've had the occasional punch and kick when he was like that, but never did he break anything. He always snapped out of it before serious damage could be dealt. He always was like that when he overworked and fell asleep on his desk. I would find him in the morning and... It would repeat, unless i was quick enough to dodge.

I had to leave her now, but i don't want to. I can't leave her, not again. What if something were to happen? But the dokter is already pushing me out the door talking some medical bullshit. And then i stood before closed doors. I can't help but shake this feeling though. I know he is coming to see her, i don't want that.

Devil's POV

I teleport into her room, knowing Dice is standing right behind the door. Some nurses putting extra drugs in her IV to keep her from pain, readjusting her body back to a comfortable position.

How did this happen? How could I let this happen? Why couldn't i control myself for once? I didn't want to hurt her... I really didn't. As much as i hate angels, I
I love her... And i hurt her. Why? Why must I destroy everything that is perfect? Why is my touch riddled with destruction? She looks so pail, so fragile even more than before. Will i hurt her again? I can't, i love her too much. I must do what i came here to do, even if it pains me.

*After a few hours *

Your POV (again)
I try to open my eyes again, i feel dizzy. At least the pain is gone.
I feel something at my feet. I look up to see... HIM.
I struggle to back up in the bed to get farther away from him.

"Wohhh, easy (y/n). You're alright, you're safe. I won't hurt you" his voice is just above a whisper. "Lucifer?" I call out to him, not sure if he's really there or not. "(Y/n) I've come to do something very important" He make a contract appear alongside a feather pen. What is he doing?
"(Y/n) I.. I broke your wing and I'm really sorry for that, I can't even begin to forgive myself. But there is one problem. The doctors won't be able to fix it enough for you to fly again"
I listen to his words as my heartbeat starts to race.
"And that is why I've come here. I want to make a deal with you" the paper and pen float closer to me.

"I will fix your wing and you'll be able to fly again, but" he takes in a deep breath and releases it back out shaky.
"You may never come close to the casino or me ever again" the words shocked me. They rang inside my head and i wasn't even sure i was hearing them correctly.
"W-what do you mean?" I crook my head at him, tears threatening to spil.
"(Y/n) I love you and there fore don't want to hurt you, ever again and the only way I can garantie that is if you stay as far away from me as possible"
I could see it hurt him to say that. His eyes always give him away.
"N-no, i don't want that" I say as i try getting closer to him, but he's the one backing away now.
"What do you mean no? (Y/n) do you realize what i did to you and what i could do to you? What if i don't stop in time? What if nobody finds you? What if... By my hand you'll perish.
I can't let that happen (y/n), i won't! Now sign the contract and let's be done with this." His voice was shaky, broken and you could hear the fear that haunts him.

This man, that i feared for so long because of his power, now fears himself for the same reason.
"I can't sign it Lucifer" I try and stand my ground.
"Why not?!" His voice was loud, he wasn't used to being hurt like this and was now turning it into anger.
"Because Lucifer, I love you and don't ask me why, because you made me love you. Everything you fear you can be I do too and yet I still have the guts to come out and say that I love you."
I finally moved closer to him as he was distracted by my words. I lifted my hand up to touch his cheek while i looked into his eyes.
"You can't love me" he said through gritted teeth.
"I can" I try and stay calm for the both of us
"No! I'm a monster!" He yells out in pain and anger. "You're only a monster if you let yourself become one" He settled down at this, but started to cry. He hugged me and i could feel his magic surrounding my wing. "I love you so much (y/n)"
He looks into my eyes and i look back
"I love you too" I held him tight by his arms afraid that if I let go he'll leave.
"Promise?" His voice was still shaking while trying to talk.

"I will forever be yours Lucifer"

I'm done
You're done
Everyone is done
I really didn't think i would end it this way but this book has been here over what? 3-4 years? And my writing style has changed so much.
I almost did a yetus deletus on this bitch, but hey. We still got here

I-I don't know why I like you. (the devil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now