remember heaven

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(there's a little gore in this chapter)

Devil's POV

She fell asleep, great. I still had to work on some papers and her limp body was a little in the way. It's all i really did around here: paperwork, sitting on my thrown looking over the casino, the occasional bets here and there and of course ruling over hell. But even that was mostly covered by some trust worthy demons. They obeyed my every command. I didn't find it amusing, not a single bit. Maybe that's why I like (y/n), she's different, daring if you ask me.

Not anyone would come up to the devil and kiss him so softly, no. I wonder what else she as in store for me. "Agh" best not to think about those things right now. I am in my humanoid form (the one on the cover for people who aren't following) these bodies react faster to that kind of stimulation, so pure thoughts from now on. Focus on work

(Almost 10 hours later)

"Ugh, that'll have to do. I'm to tired to do more anyway" i leaned back, (y/n)'s head resting on my chest. She's so small compared to her wings. Those white wings. Those perfect, pearly white wings...

Your POV

I was awoken from my sleep by roughly being turned around and my arms forced behind my back with one strong hand. "L-lucifer?" I called out.
Then i felt his other hand grip my right wing. "You have such big wings~" he was scaring me with this tone. "Let me go please!" He chuckled lowely. "Let you go? Did you let me go?" Then his hand started bending my wing in an unnatural position. "Stop! You're hurting me!" He pulled harder. "Did you stop?" He started using more of his strength and the panic was to much for me. "Please! Lucifer! I'm begging you!" He stopped for a second. "I was begging to remember? Begging! At your mercy, but you never stopped. You teared my wings off like it was nothing! Like i was nothing!" Oh no.
No no no no no! He's not going to... Is he? "I don't understand?" His grip became tighter. "Then let me make you remember, Gabriel"

*Snap* *cracking*

I was screaming so much from the pain. It hurts so much, my eyesight was starting to fade. I was going to die by the devil's hands. I heard him one last time before i blacked out. "Do you remember now?"

Devil's POV

The blood was pooling on my desk. I felt so satisfied. I took a deep breath of air and for the first time I breathed out in compleet silence. I let go of everything. My left hand clean, my right hand bloody. I want to do the other one when he wakes up.

Then wheezy ran in and dice was tailing behind him. They were both in shock, looking at my desk, then up at me. I gave them a satisfied smile. Dice pushed pass wheezy and came straight to the body. "(Y/n)? Shit! (Y/n)?!" Why was he saying that? "What did you do the her, you sick fuck!" He came around and punched me straight in my face. Wheezy pulled him back and stud between us facing him. "Let's focus on (y/n) first, she's still losing blood" that name... I rub my right cheek where dice just punched me. Whe do the keep saying that name. I look over at Gabriels body but
I walk back and trip, falling down behind my chair.
"That..." I murmur "that isn't Gabriel"
I see a female angel laying down on my desk, small frame with (y/HC) hair. With one fluffy, white wing and one broken, blood colored wing. I look at my hand. It's... It's...
It's (y/n)s blood.

"Alright, i called the medics, they should be here any minute" wheezy spoke out. "*Sobbing* (y/n)!! Why won't you open your eyes!" Dice was hysterical. Surely enough after a minute or two some minions of mine had taken her away. Wheezy walked over to my. "What. The. Fuck. Happened?" He was stern but i could tell he was frightened by what he witnessed. I suddenly didn't feel so good, looking at my blood covered hand. "G-gabriel... It was... His" it was his wing i was taking revenge for... Because he stole mine al those years ago. "You're hallucinating again" i had those a lot. Mostly after dreaming.
"She is not safe with him alone" dice spoke up after clearing his nose. "But i love her!"

"And yet you work out your pitiful sorrow for yourself out on her. Because she's one of them.
Open your eyes Lucifer, cause she's not! She's just like you
And if you treat her like she's the problem, then you're just helping her dig a grave." I stood up, dice was right in front of me. "So you better get this shit sorted out or I'm taking her onder my watch" wheezy spoke up. ''poor kid" he whispered under his breath.

They both left my office, left me. I'm not better than them, i treat her because she's different. i treat her like they treated me; blaming everything on her. I need to clean... I need to clean everything.

Can't go wrong with a little bit of angst once in a while!
Keeping you on your toes.
Hope you liked it and thank you for reading
Bye bye

I-I don't know why I like you. (the devil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now