apparently people need to see this

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Hey! Your lovely writer here.
If you look at the tags, it clearly states that this story in fact contains smut.

If that's not your cup of tea? That's okay, don't read it. I'm not forcing you to. There's no need to comment mean stuff about the smut. It's a smut story, there's going to be smut.

It's like buying a cherry pie, if you buy a cherry pie but wanted apple filling don't get mad at the baker just buy a different pie.

If you klik on a story that has the tag #smut don't get mad at me, just go read a different story.

Thank you all for coming to my ted talk

(Also more stuff coming soon)

Dev: and remember kids: if you don't sin Jezus died for nothing

I-I don't know why I like you. (the devil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now