Part 15

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I was being a bitch... I mean not to the guys but some of the hospital staff. My little fighter was doing great but some of the nurses had me fucked up. We were able to go home except for Em (nickname for Emmanuel) and the nurse that I had kicked out felt the need to tell the world about my baby and even lied saying that I was some type of drug addict and that's why my baby was in the hospital. Imagine my surprise when law enforcement and social services was knocking on our door.
Need less to say I moved Em out of that hospital and decided to press charges against the hospital, that nurse, the police department and the people that decided to run the story with no proof.
It was baseless and the law enforcement that was doing the investigation should've taken one look at the bloodwork I took while I was in labor and known that wasn't true. Nurse Pam transferred to were I moved Em to she said the hospital was trying to cover it up and make it seem like it wasn't that nurse but an undercover reporter for a gossip column. Nurse Pam had recorded her talking about how I deserve to have everything taken from me since I decided to be a whore and sleep with two men out of my race. We gave it to my lawyers and if she know like I know she betta hope she don't catch me without my kids. Cause while they in my presence I'm somebody's mother but if they not there Ima give her this light ass whippin, then go back to my regular scheduled programming. You can talk shit about the guys and me all you want but what you not gone do is involve my kids. On to lighter things Em is doing really good and one of us is always with him. As for Emari, I'm trying to figure out when new borns got so much attitude. It's only been two months in a half almost three and she be trying it. The other day we were in the room and Lee had came in and gave me a kiss after kissing her and we were talking when she realized we weren't paying her any attention she started screaming her head off  until we gave her attention. Or how about when Luca and I took her to see Em she damn near died when I breastfeed him. I don't know what she gone do when he comes home next week. Yupp that's right next week!! The doctors told us when we were all there for our weekly family day. I don't like taking Emari to the hospital but I want her to be able to bond with her brother and for all of us to spend time together and with Em not being on all them wires I like to have them lay down together. I'm very good with having them on a schedule even with Em being in the hospital his medical staff know not to mess up his schedule cause one he is going to be fussy and not let them do anything including touch him which means I have to calm him down cause he's a mamas boy and his daddies touch just doesn't do it. And two if y'all upset him Ima upset you cause he not gone be the only one going through it around here so they know what's up. Emari on the other hand loves attention from all her parents it's outsiders she don't like. She won't even smile around them, she definitely don't fuck with Pac you would thought he stole from her how she treat him. And now that I can fuck again the guys love the whole schedule thing cause whoever with me be ready as soon as nap time come up. Sometimes I wanna nap too but as long as they on baby duty when we done I'm good. Hell if Ima use the little bit of energy I do have for you to toss me around the bed and shit you might as well take baby duty.
Currently I'm on my phone looking up stuff for there first photoshoot. I didn't do the whole new born baby pictures when they were first born because Em was in the hospital and we were dealing with all the drama so I just have the pictures we've taken of them. But since Em and Emari will both be home I figured I'd take them to finally get some together. I was trying to pick a theme or color scheme so I could find a bow and bow tie for them. It was kinda hard to tell them apart because they looked so much alike and they both and full heads of hair but Emari had a mole above her lip and a birthmark on her right arm where as Em has fuller lips and his birth mark is on his the left arm.

It's short but I needed a filler chapter
What do y'all think the theme or color scheme should be for the photoshoot??
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