The Jump(Part I)

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(Harmonii's POV)

*Practicing for the Harvest Fest*

So, me and Justin are in the practice room, practicing our violin-guitar duet performance. "Ok, one more time and I think we've got it," Justin said, tunning his Ambonic Electric Guitar. "You're an amazing player," He said, I could feel the hesitation in his voice as he said it. I started blushing of course, and hid under my violin case so he wouldn't notice. "Oh, Thanks , you are too," I replied, still hiding under my violin case. "Thanks...... Hey, what are you doing hiding under your violin case?" He asked, I started to make something up,"Oh, nothing, just looking for some rosin for my strings. Then, the case feel and I was just sitting there looking stupid. I was hoping he wouldn't look at me, but it was too late. "Harmonii, I - I have to tell you something," He started, 'oh no' I thought. "These last couple months hanging with you have been really fun, I thought we could be like close friends one day, but I see something in you ive never seen in another girl," He said, he grabed my hand and was I was about to start crying tears of joy, but just at that very moment. DEMI WALKS IN. Justin dropped my hand at an INSTANT and went back to his guitar. "Hey Harmonii, I Have to talk to you," She said in a nice(fake) voice. We stepped out the room and walked far enough to where Justin couldn't here us. "What is it?!" I said, im surely not gonna fall for her fakeness! "Look here BITCH," She started, already in my face and trying to get tough. This girl has the NERVE to call me a bitch and get in my face?! If she dont back up, she'll end up in the ICU. "I know you're in there trying to get all over Justin, but he doesn't want you, and quit frankly, If you EVER try to make a move on him-" I cut her off, I was sick of her thinking that she was intimidating me and that she could control me. Justin CLEARLY doesn't like her, nor does he want to be around her. And with that, neither do I. "Look here, DEMI! I ain't scared of you. Justin doesn't like you, and ill do watever I damn well please! Your not my mother!"I said, pushing her over and walking away. I walked back into the room and got ready. "Ready to go on? We're next," Justin said, getting his guitar and music. "Yeah, but im nervous, I might mess up and make you look bad," I said, I wasn't so sure if I was really ready yet. Justin walked pass me and closed the door. "Harmonii, (he grabs my hands) theres no way on this earth that you could ever make me look bad, if anything, I might make YOU look bad. you're so perfect. In every way possible. and I Just wanted to know if.... if you would be my girl?" He said in the most romantic voice. "Am I Dreaming?" I thought I said that in my head, but apperantly not. Justin laughed. "when you walked into school on the first day, I thought the same thing," He complimented. "Yes, yes yes yes," I couldn't say it enough. He got up and gave me a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mines around his neck. I could smell his cologne rising from his neck. "You smell nice," I said, pushing back a little so I could look into his eyes. "Thanks, you do too," He said. "im so happy that I finally asked you out," He said, letting a sigh of relief out. "Demi is really irritating me," He said, I could tell he was tired of her always trying to tell him what to do, and who he could do it with. "Well, now that your mine, Demi will be nowhere near you, I promise you. I don't like sharing," I said, pulling him towards me as if he was my teddy bear. "You're hilarious," He laughed.

'Next Up, Harmonii Shayy & Justin Caliber' we heard them call. We turned toward each other and began to run out to the stage when DEMI came out of NOWHERE...AGAIN! "Hey you two! get your asses out there its your turn!" She said with an attitude, as if SHE was running anything around here. We ignored her little comment. I pushed her out my way as me and Justin ran out. "Bitch don't touch me!" She yelled. "I just did!" And with that, I ran out to perform.

(Demi's POV)

"I can't believe that little RAT had the BALLS to fucking PUSH ME! TWICE!"I explained to Jessica and the rest of my girls. "Yeah, who does she think she is?" Olivia(one of the girls in my clique) said. "Hey, we should JUMP her!" Jessica said, balling up her fists. I smiled at THAT idea. "Per-" I stopped, I had almost forgot about my green slop plan, it was almost too late to do it. "Ok, we'll jump her afterwards, but right now, i've gotta go," I ran to the maintenance room to see Marie. As I bust into the room, I saw Marie, standing there waiting for me. "Ive got you covered," She said, its as if she already knew what I was about to say. She showed me the monitor, which had a picture of Justin & Harmonii, BOTH covered in the green shit. I smiled my evil smile as I saw Harmonii crying, and trying to shake the mess off. Then I turned and looked at Justin, who was even MORE covered in the green stuff than Harmonii. I wasnt worried about him at that moment, as I knew I could win back his love anyday >:)

(Justin POV)

We walked on the stage to introduce ourselves, then thats when we heard a noise, looked up, and saw a huge bucket of some sort of GREEN STUFF pour onto us. "DEMI," I said, "Shes been really sneaky these last few days, I just know this is all her scheme!" I said. "Is she really THIS jealous?!" Harmonii said. About 10 people rushed on stage to help us, their hands filled with towels. They escorted us backstage where 5 of them started to wipe off the green stuff, and get us both a change of clothes. While the other 5 hurried to clean the stage. "Thanks so much," Me and Harmonii both said. "No problem," Lilly(One of the helpers) said. "I know who did it too," She started. "We do too," Harmonii said. "Demi," We said in unison. "I just can't believe she would do something like this," Lilly said. "Well I can, Demi has always been super jealous of any girl I come into contact with, she always is trying to tell me who I can and can't hang out with, and you know what, Im DONE with her!" I said, and this time, I really meant it. She cant continue to treat me like her property. So as soon as we're done, im confronting her.

(Harmonii POV)

We got all cleaned up and finished our performance onstage. We even got a standing ovation! "Take THAT Demi!" I said, I was so proud of myself. We exited the stage when Justin said,"Hey, Im gonna go to the bathroom for a second to clear my head," . "Ok, i'll be in the practice room," I said,"Ok," He said, and with that, he left. I began to walk around the corner when I saw them. Demi's group of followers, all standing around the practice room door, as if they were waiting on me. I decided to play it cool, and be polite, I didn't want any drama with these girls. "Excuse me," I said in a polite voice, smiling. "Oh, look who it is," Jessica said, turning towards me. "So, you thought you could push Demi, and get away with it?" She asked. "What? What are you talking about?" I said, now more confused as to why she was questioning me like a retard. "You pushed her, remember, when she was just trying to talk to you and you PUSHED her out of the way?" She said, now the girls were starting to form a cirlce around me. I remembered well, but now I knew why they were here... to JUMP ME!

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