The Clique

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(Harmonii's POV)

"East Hamilton High 37483 Crekside Road," I said into my GPS


(About 30 mins later...)


"Im HEREEE ," I say, looking out the window of my Escalade. 

I get out of my car, grab my backpack, and head toward the door. "Hello, my name is Harmonii Monique, 11th Grade," I said ro Mrs. Johnson, the school principal. "Ok, I understand you arrived a bit late, but i'll write you a pass to your class," She says, handing me a pass to 3rd hour Algebra 2. "Ok, thanks," I said.

As I walked into algbra 2, I found a seat next to a really cute boy. As i sat down, a girl tapped me and said, "Bitch, that's my seat!". "Excuse me?!" I said, "You don't talk to me like that!" I yelled. "Look new girl, you better sit your ass down!" Demi said. "Whatever!" I said, walking away. 

I then found a seat next to a girl named Tiffanee. She was really nice to me and showed me around the whole school.

"Thanks Tiffanee," I said, giving her a hug. "Oh no problem, oh and by the way, you might want to stay out of Demi's way, she's the most popular girl in school and has a whole clique that follows her around." She said. "Ok, well im not intimidated by any girl like her," I said boldly. "Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you," Tiffanee said. "Yeah yeah whatever," I said.

      ( In about 2 weeks or so, I met alot of nice people that liked me. I met Odessa, Justin, Melissa, Kristi, Chanel, and alot of other people. Tiffanee and I became BFF's INSTANTLY! But there's this girl named Demi who's the most popular. She even has a clique. She always finds a way to torture me and my friends. She even posts mean things on cliquesters about us, but nobody even dares to cnfront her. BUT I WILL)

                                                               **Monday, November 1st**

"Hey Odessa!" I said. "Wassup, hey did you see what Demi posted about you on cliquesters?!" She said, pulling out her phone to show me. I looked at what Demi posted and became furious! "HOW FUCKING DARE THIS BITCH POST THAT ABOUT ME!" I  yelled. Demi posted that I was a dirty whore who strips for free. "Harmonii calm down! You know what she's capeable of?!" She said. "Yeah! And she better find out what im capable of!" I said.

This was only the BEGINNING of WORLD WAR 3!!

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