The Perished Humanity

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Loud were the bomb sounds,

And louder were the gun shots-

But amidst the massacre

There was a knock at her door.

Sultana,the twelve year old Afghani

Went upto the door .

Opened it to see,

Talibans in a group.

'Where is ammi', Sultana asked.

Her head steady filled with wrath.

'Ammi?'laughed the taliban-

Striped off just for fun.

Sultana looked unswerving.

Her vexed eyes turned red as she said,

'Do you do that with your mother-

Or with the sister you revere?'

The talibans laughed like a drain,

As they barged into her house like a train.

Dragged her abba under the sun-

As they shouted,'What a fun.'

She cried frantically-

To free from the seize of talibans.

But she was late as they

Slit her abba into pieces.

She stood still,

The only sound was the loud gun shots.

The scene was horrific--mothers cried

And the children died.

'Do you know Padmavati?'

Sultana asked to the taliban mighty.

'No',they said-

All they know is conflicts and blood shed.

'She jumped in fire,died for dignity,

To protect herself from Khilji the mighty.'

And as she said,she pushed the men,

She ran and jumped into the fire across the lane.

Yes,she gave her life for chastity.

For she wanted to perish-

Than to get some

Ruthless moments to cherish.

The vexed talibans

Bombarded her house.

Strolled away with

Gold and frown.

But amidst the hue and cry-

Came out the sound of a baby cry;

It was Sultana's brother

Who sat in the fire,left to die.

This is Afghanistan-

Under the mighty Talibans.

Politics led to this massacre

And the innocent children;

Are left to suffer.

Sufferers are the innocents

Who knows nothing about politics.





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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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