How are you all doing?
So before I say my random thought today I feel like I haven't quite explained what this books is really about. so since I have been getting so so so so many requests to explain I will😎
I am just kidding the book doesn't even have 3 views yet! HAHAHA and they're all my family.
Anyways, I started this because I have been going through so much lately, they aren't all bad things some of them are yes but others are new things that I haven't experienced before, and since all these situations and emotions are all coming at once I wanted to express my thoughts in them and how I am dealing with them right now at this point in my life. I think it is a helpful way for me to take my time in taking the right decision and learning new things. Also not to mention how much writing just makes me feel way better.
So...Whenever I get a new thought or experience a new situation I will hopefully come here and say my thoughts and how I feel about it. I have no experience what so ever in these topics and this is totally based of my opinion and any other views are more than welcome here because I really like seeing others point of views and learn more.
To sum it up I am going to be talking about very common emotions and situations that we all experience daily and how we react to them.
Incase this does eventually reach an audience I really do hope you find this helpful like I do.
Next chapter is my New Thought!
Have A good DAY!
Your random thoughter
Sarella :)