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Draco had immediately left the floor when a crowd had started to form in front of Granger's office. The loud noise of Ronald Weasley echoed through the halls, and even though he wanted to stand up for Granger, and more importantly himself, he did not want to make matters worse. He knew most thought it was ridiculous that the Hermione Granger was doing Draco Malfoy a solid.

And she had done him a solid. She had been so amazing in the meeting. She was smart, well-rehearsed, knew exactly how to make the right arguments to persuade everyone. Almost everyone. There were still enough wizards who were doubting Draco's motive to become an Auror, and that meant there was still work to be done before Draco could start mending the wounds of his family.

On his way out of the ministry building there was a mixture of pleasantries and scolding. Draco chose to ignore the scolding and focused on those who were actually approaching him with some sort of positive small talk. There were, surprisingly, many witches quite obviously trying to flirt with him and a handful of wizards wanting to know what his ideas were, if he were to become an Auror in the ministry. But none of that seemed to matter as a flash of brown hair caught his eyes.

"Granger hold up!" He easily caught up with her, even though she was marching furiously out of the place. As he grabbed her arm, the petite girl in front of him turned quickly on her heels.

"Malfoy, now is really not the time." Her face was all red with fury and her brown eyes glazed, she looked like she was about to cry. Crying girls were not really a strong suit with him. Draco mentally told himself to let go of her arm, but for some reason he just could not let go.

"I am sorry for the trouble I am causing you Granger," he softly said.

She shook her head and let out an exaggerated sigh, "please don't do that. It is not your responsibility to make sure other people aren't acting like childish assholes!" Draco finally let go of her arm and Granger sighed heavily as she grabbed her sides. "I will talk to you later Malfoy..." And with that she had left.


Draco would be the first to admit that many friends were not something he had. He had never had a need for that company or that empty approval which he had craved to a certain point during his school years. Many moons ago he had realised that most friendships were based on fake expectations and selfish achievements. And no one ever really listened anyway when a crazy man needed to vent.

Not that he didn't want to have someone to turn to, but that was something he was supposed to have had in a wife. A wife to have an eternal friendship with, a partnership, someone to always confide in - that was what his mother had drilled into his head from his early teenage years. And for years he had a prospect, someone his parents hadn't approved of, which had made Draco like her even more. Astoria Greengrass was now in a loving relationship with Theodore Nott, and Draco was content that she had found happiness with Theo. After dating for a handful of years Astoria could not endure Draco's post-war self-destruction and continuous battle with pureblood status and a criminal family. He hadn't blamed her - and he had almost been the one paving the way for her future relationship with Theo.

The two were sitting in front of him in his small city apartment looking grossly in love. So grossly in love that Draco couldn't help but draw a small smile in front of them. "So, my friend," Theodore started, "you have really caused quite a riot in the Ministry haven't you now?" They all chuckled a bit at this comment. "As the Head of Auror Office I shouldn't say this, but it is quite exciting actually, the place has been so boring the past months." Theodore took a sip of his tea in front of him. Draco smiled and stirred his cup.

"I honestly don't know if I am insane. After the other day I don't feel like I have the biggest chances."

Astoria reached out and put a delicate hand on his wrist. "That is nonsense Draco, and you know it. Everyone at this table knows how amazing this opportunity is for you, and how much you want it."

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