Son Set

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Author's Note: When we watched the Mortis arc, we couldn't help but wonder: what if the Son did manage to escape somehow? And so, this fanfic was born! :D

~ Amina Gila

"I can hardly believe it's finally time to get out of this place!" Ahsoka Tano exclaims as she and her master, Anakin Skywalker, and his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, head across the rather mountainous terrain of the planet Mortis. The trio had been pulled onto the planet in a way none of them even know – because they were all unconscious when the shuttle landed. Now, they're finally supposed to be heading back and rejoining Rex, Anakin's clone captain.

"Tell me about it," Anakin mutters. This is by far the weirdest place he's ever been to, and he's still not appreciative that the person who calls himself 'the Father' told his children to kill Obi-Wan and Ahsoka just to see if Anakin is the Chosen One.

He can't deny that the Father's last words are bothering him, though.

Leave and your selfishness will haunt you and the galaxy.

His decision to leave is hardly selfish, is it? The galaxy needs him far more than the Father does to keep the Son and the Daughter under control.

He's promptly snapped out of his thoughts at Obi-Wan's exclamation. "Our ship still isn't here."

"What?" he hisses, looking around the clearing where the ship landed when they first came to the planet. Sure enough, it's nowhere to be seen.

"The ship disappeared last night when you were gone with the Father," Ahsoka frowns, "But it was supposed to be back here. So why isn't it?"

It's then that the sudden, familiar sound of engines reach his ears. "That might explain a few things," Anakin declares, pointing up at the ship which he just caught sight of, flying beyond the trees. It's rapidly heading upwards into the sky.

"Someone's taking our ship?!" Ahsoka exclaims, eyes widening in alarm. No, he can't let this happen. If their ship is gone, there's no way for them to get off the planet.

Anakin raises his hands, trying to catch onto the ship with the Force. If it was closer, it might have worked, but now it's already so far away. The ship blasts away further out of his reach, speeding upwards towards the atmosphere. But it did help him identify who it is that's on that ship.

"Yes, and not just any someone," Anakin says grimly, turning to the other two, "The Son." The Son, a user of purely the Dark Side. He's practically the living embodiment of the Dark Side, far more powerful than any Sith that could ever exist. Why is he leaving in their ship? Where is he going? The Father told him that they had confined themselves to the planet because of the way in which they could manipulate the Force, partly because this is the only way the Father is able to control them.

And that means...

"We need to go find the Father at once," Obi-Wan warns urgently. "Who knows what the Son is planning to do now? There may still be something he can do to stop him."

"It's going to be a long run back to the monastery, so we better hurry," Anakin warns. Without wasting another moment, the three of them take off running. If what the Father said is the truth, the things that happen on this planet can affect the galaxy as a whole. What does it say for the galaxy if a being of the Dark Side itself is unleashed on it? Especially since the said being was powerful and dangerous enough to drive the three of them all the way out to this planet to avoid damaging the galaxy?

They swiftly cover ground, heading back the way they came. They really need to hurry. As they go, the plants are steadily beginning to change color, slowly growing more and more green as the sun rises higher in the sky. For whatever reason, the seasons change by the time of day here.

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