Ch. 1 Pilot

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Third Person POV

Once Upon A TimeThere was an  filled with all the classic characters we know.Or think we know.One day they found themselves trapped in a  world where all their happy endings were stolen..This is how it happened."SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past.  is riding through the land on a steed. He comes upon the Forest, and  in her glass , surrounded by the Seven .

"You're too late." Doc said

"No. No! Open it." Prince Charming said

"I'm sorry, she's gone." Grumpy said

" At least let me say goodbye. " Prince Charming said

(The dwarves remove the coffin lid. Prince Charming kisses Snow White, and a burst of  erupts. Snow White awakens with a gasp)

" You... you found me." Snow White said

"Did you ever doubt I would?" Prince Charming said

"Truthfully? The glass coffin gave me pause." Snow White said

"Well, you never have to worry, I will always find you." Prince Charming said

"Do you promise?" Snow White said

(The scene transitions to their wedding)

" I do." Prince Charming said

" And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?" The bishop said

" I do." Snow white said smiling

" I now pronounce you husband and wife." The Bishop said

(The audience cheers and as the newlyweds kiss, the  enters. The cheering stops) the doors fly open

"Sorry I'm late." The Evil Queen said

(She crosses the room, dispelling guards with magic)

" It's the Queen! Run!" Doc said

(Drawing  and pointing it at the Queen)

"She's not a queen anymore! She's nothing more than an evil witch!" Snow white said pointing the sword at her

" No no no, don't stoop to her level, there's no need." Prince Charming said

(He lowers the sword)

"You're wasting your time, you've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding." Prince Charming said

" Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift." Evil Queen said

"We want nothing from you." Snow White said

"But you shall have it. My gift to you is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do." The evil Queen Sneered

(She turns and walks towards the door)

"Hey!" Prince Charming said

(The Queen turns, and Prince Charming throws his sword at her. She disappears in a cloud of smoke, as does the sword. As Snow White and Prince Charming hold each other,

Hayden POV

Me and Henry were riding on a bus sitting next to each other. who knew me and Henry were related. going from best friends to finding out that we were twins. twins from the same mother. I thought. I looked down at the book Henry was reading

"That a good book?" A woman asked

"This... it's more than just a book." Henry said

" Oh. " The woman said as she (chuckles)

"Boston sub-station. Thank you for riding Greyhound." The announcer said

(Me and Henry get off the bus and knocks on the window of a taxi. The driver rolls down the window)

"Uh, do you take credit cards?" Henry said (holds one up)

" Where to, chief?" The taxi driver said

We ring the doorbell of the apartment. a woman with blonde hair and a red dress opens the door.

"Uh... can I help you?" She said

" Are you Emma Swan?" Henry said

" Yeah, who are you two?" Emma said

" My name's Henry. I'm your son. And this is Hayden. she's your daughter." Henry said

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