Ch. 13

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                                              Third Person POV 

                                        six months ago

Regina walked into the police station where she saw Emma 

"I'm letting you have thirty minutes with Henry take him out to get ice cream." she said  she turned to look at Gold locked up in his cell after he beat Moe to a pulp he got locked up.

Emma raised a brow at the Mayor 

"you want me to leave you alone with a prisoner?" she asked carefully

"Twenty nine and a half minutes" Regina said without turning away from Gold

Henry and Emma hugged and greeted each other before she grabbed her jacket and began to leave with Henry.

it was silent for a couple of moments till Gold decided to break the silence.

 "Well you really wanted that little chat didn't you?" He said 

Regina smirked,

 "Apparently this is the only way i could do it."  she replied and motioned to the cell he was currently in

"please"  Gold stated and motioned to the arm of the couch beside him.

 "sit." He said 

 Regina gave him a light glare as she sat down and he began to speak again.

 "Now when two people both want something the other has a deal can always be struck." He said  Gold then turned his body completely to face Regina 

"Do you have what I want?"  he asked

Regina smirked widely 

"Yes" She replied

Gold nodded kowingly 

"So you did put him up to it then." He said  his grip on his cane tightening

The Mayor simply shrugged

 "I merely suggested that strong men take what they need" She said 

Gold glared at Regina,

 "Oh yeah and you told him just exactly what to take didn't you?" He asked  Regina's smirk only grew at his words.

 "What about what he did to Hayden? did you tell him to do that as well?" he asked

Regina's smirk fell and she glared at Gold.

 "I never told him to do that I would never tell anyone to hurt a child especially The twin to my son."  she stated firmly because she honestly did feel bad about what Moe had done to Hayden she had no idea what had even occurred until Emma had called that day but 

"Now I am doing what i have to do to resolve the problem," she said

Gold gave Regina a curious look

 "What problem?" He asked

Regina quickly changed the subject 

"We used to know each other so well Mr.Gold has it really come down to this?" she asked faking hurt

Gold looked down at his cane before responding.

 "It seems it has yeah but you know what I want." he then looked back up at Regina 

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