Chapter 1

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You stand nervously in the bright lite operation room. In every way possible you try to not let your anxieties show on your face. Fists clenched tightly to your side you hold your head high up. Across the room you receive a small smile from your father. For maybe the first time in your young life he seemed proud, but quickly his smile fades to his normal aloof face. As if to tell you to keep fighting hard for his approval. Something you both know you'll be doing forever.

The metal door besides him releases it's latch and the sound of it opening rippled across the tile walls and floor. You both stand up straight as the heavily armored bodies behind the door are revealed. Your father nods to the men as they enter. There must have been ten of them. Sweat coated the palms of your hands as you knew what was coming behind the familiar uniforms. A dark hood of a tall figure sat behind them as it followed its way in. This would be your first assignment for the foundation.

"Doctor ____" smiled dr. Hamm as he approached you. His arms extend out and grip your sweaty hands. You had hoped he hadn't noticed through his gloves "nervous are we?"

"No." You instantly deny but both of you knew it wasn't true. He gives you a reassuring smile in return.

"You are safe with us here." Dr Hamm turns to meet your fathers eyes. "Why so far away, Doctor?" He asks with a laugh "don't you want to comfort your daughter?" Everyone in the room knew the answer to that.

"She is an adult, she's fully capable for wiping off her own hands." He says harshly. Dr Hamm nodes.

"Ah, yes you're right." He agrees "that is why she was given her level 3 clearance now."

Before anyone else could speak the tall cloaked figure makes its way around all the guards. He reveals himself to the three doctors standing in the center of the room. His mask shined in the bright fluorescent lights.

"Good heavens" says SCP 049 in an eager tone, the holes in his mask that showed his eyes we're pointed directly at you "this is my new assistant is it?" He begins to walk ever closer to you and dr Hamm.

"Dr ____ this is SCP 049." Dr Hamm introduces you to him. SCP 049 moves past Dr Hamm and inspects you ever closer. His mask only a few inches away as he looks you up and down. Your feet back away to assure he doesn't touch you with his deathly body. This earns a laugh from the anomaly.

"I won't harm you my dear." He chuckles "you seem to have no pestilence. No pestilence at all." His intense green eyes finally make their way to your as he studies you. There seemed to be hunger in those eyes. "Tell me something Doctor."

"Y-yes." You couldn't help but stutter, and instantly regret that you had. Your father shoots you a disapproving look from behind 049's shoulders.

"Are you Miss or Mrs. ___?" He asks with hope. Everyone seems to be confused by the question.

"I am not married, if that is what you are asking." You answer, wondering how that could be relevant. The skin around his eyes folds as it seemed he bared a smile, if that were even possible for him.

"Ah! Lovely Miss ___, may I call you that, Doctor?" He wonders.

"Sure." You nod, afraid to say no. Pleased 049 stuck his hands behind his back and stood up tall, he had a good foot on you. Only intimidating you more.

"I am very pleased that a lovey woman such as yourself is going to be working with me. You don't see many women in my field of work." The Doctor rambles as he looks down at you "and none that are as lovely as you." His voice was quieter, so only you and Dr Hamm had heard him.

"That is enough." Dr Hamm interrupts "bring in the specimen." Two guards in the very back of the doorway carry in what appears to be a limp ape. You would have thought it were deceased if you hadn't already known that 049 likes to kill it's specimens itself before it conducts its ritual. You had to do hours of research before being approved for this task. You knew everything that you were about to see here. The guards take the ape and strap it down the the operation table. 049 finally takes his gaze off of you and looks in the direction of its new victim.

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