Chapter 4

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Sometimes the human mind can be such a confusing thing. For 20 years you can grow, learn, and understand yourself, and be truly confident you can predict how you'll react in certain situations. Only for your mind and feelings to betray that idea when a new situation is presented.

How could you have known the circumstances you'd be in today? To have something so ominous and strange take such a liking to you. He was charming. Not what you had expected from first glance. He was kind, respectful, and truly loved talking to you for hours, even when you got off track in your interviews which you often had.

You were a doctor, and you hadn't understood to biology of it. He wasn't human. Though, he had arms, legs, a mouth, and two green eyes behind his mask. He still wasn't human. But, he really cared for you. Not something that had happened often in your short life.

One day after you had realized the consistent compliments seemed to make you blush rather than back away you decided you must understand him better. To see if any of what you were thinking could be possible. You asked dr Hamm to see is X-Ray's from when 049 was first brought to the foundation. Dr Hamm didn't ask you why, but the look in his eyes spoke more than words could have. Not that he was surprised, more just giving you an unspoken warning to use caution. You knew you had been using caution for the past six months, maybe it was time to put your guard down after all.

It would be a lie to say you weren't slightly disappointed at first. A large part of you hoping the scans would show you the body of a man underneath the mask and cloaks. It was silly of you to hope, you had already been told otherwise. The mask was apart of his face, and could not be removed. The cloaks were also his body, specifically growing from his lower abdomen and leaving his waist and legs the only thing really human. His arms as well as the upper part of his chest also had skin, and the very bottom of his face underneath his nose. The only thing else was his eyes. That was the most human thing about him. A sigh left your lips. Dr Hamm placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Your father wouldn't be happy." He says simply.

"When is he ever?" You wondered. A gust of air left Dr Hamm lips, a slight laugh.

"Maybe, you should do it anyways then." He suggested. You turn to face him with a confused look.

"You couldn't really be suggesting... I-I couldn't." Denial coated your words as if trying to convince yourself how crazy the thought was.

"Why is that?" He asks knowing the answer.

"My father." You say "beyond that, what human has ever been involved with an SCP. It goes against science? It goes against any moral code. The foundation would never allow it."

"Not because you don't want to?" He calls out. You grow quiet. He was right. You hadn't said you didn't want to.

"What would everyone think of me?" You place your head in your hands in shame "what would they all say?" Dr Hamm leans down and places himself at eye level.

"___ with all the strange things that happen around us all day do you really believe people would talk so long about this?" He asks "and, if they did why do you care? If it's what you want?"

"They wouldn't allow it." You say hastily "the 05 council, our site director. They wouldn't allow it."

"Quite the opposite actually." Dr Hamm informs you grabbing your attention earning back your shocked gaze "as you said it had never happened before. We are big fans of things that have never happened before."

"Dr. Hamm I-" you stop yourself and search for another excise. He waits momentarily but when it became obvious you had run out of things to say a small smile reveals itself on his face. He stands up tall once again and offers you his hand.

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