Chapter 3

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"Hello?" You call out as you begin to enter the chamber. The door finally fully opens and the guards stand back to allow you full access.

"Ah! Mon tendre! Welcome! Welcome!" 049 cheers back with excitement. He leaps from his usual corner and places his journal down on the ground as he dances over to great you. Over the past week you have grown used to him touching you. The thought of his hand ending your life was slowly fading as you did indeed begin to trust him more.

His arms wrap around you as he gives you a hug. It still unsettled you slightly how close he tended to get. Even Dr Hamm had shown concern about the physical affection he had towards you. But, truly there was nothing that could be done about it in fear of upsetting him. 049 hasn't harmed anyone at the foundation, and you hoped to keep it that way.

"I've missed you greatly! You haven't stopped by in two days I was growing worried." He explains as he released you from his grip.

"Yes I apologize. My site manager had me doing some side work but I made sure I made it for your next experiment." You give him a small smile in order to please him, which seemed to work.

"Oh, ___! My experiment! I had nearly forgotten about that." 049 laughs eerily. You raise a brown in confusion.

"Forgotten that today is your experiment day? You usually look forwards to that." Your voice was coated in confusion. 049 wraps his hands around his back.

"Ah, yes. While I do love my experiments since they are the only thing I had to look forwards too, I now eagerly await your visits just as much!" He explains "but, the cure cannot wait! Science must prevail!"Back in the office both Dr Hamm and your father shared the same confused look.

"Did he just say he looks forward to their interview as much as his little operations?" Your father asked with disgust. Dr Hamm nodded.

"It seems that ___ has really taken an affect on him. She really is our best bet in getting through to 049." Dr Hamm adds.

"Are you suggesting my daughter can convince this freak to give up on his obsession with this Pestilence?" Your father scoffs in disbelief "I look forward to the day she'll actually be able to do something that impressive."

The two men watch as you lead 049 down the corridor towards his operation room. As the guards bring him an ape they watch as the same process that 049 has been doing for months is repeated once again. Dr Hamm sighs.

"I've informed the site leader of this situation, I told him to tell the 05 council."

"You really think that this will be as big of a deal as you're making it?" Your father responds.

"I stopped in 049 containment cell yesterday while ___ was with 035 and I asked to see his notebook like I used to. He hesitantly gave it to me, when he is usually very eager." Dr Hamm pauses "just as often as he writes in his unknown language he writes in perfect English. About your daughter."

The monitor shows as 049 begins to cut into the brain of the ape. He is deep in conversation with you as he continues to snip away at its head. You don't move from the table like you had the last time. As if you were becoming more brave.  Your father looks up in rage.

"What does this thing want with her?" He demands to know.

"I believe that he likes her." Dr Hamm explains "he calls her mon tendre, that means my dear in French."

"What do I care what he calls her?" Your father spat.

"Are you worried for her?" Dr Hamm asked slightly surprised.

"No." He denies sternly "I am disgusted at the fact that you are allowing my family name to be associated with this. That thing isn't human, that thing is a monster."

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