Chapter 2

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Huddled in the corner of his containment cell his eager hands scribble across the pages of his notebook. Unlike the many pages before it this page was written entirely in English, and was not about the most recent experiment he had just done. Not entirely. Instead it had your name written on several lines. Your eyes, your hair, your voice, and everything he could remember about you. He wrote it down as though if he didn't he might forget. Unlike you he had wished the doctors hadn't interrupted when they did. It seemed like a lifetime for you in that room, but it had only been a fraction of a second in his mind.

"Have you briefed him yet?" Asked your father harshly. Dr Hamm and him stand in the viewing chamber watching as 049 write in his notebook like he did after every test. Dr Hamm shakes his head.

"The plan is to make ____ the leading doctor now, I thought it best to give her a bit to recollect her thoughts. I fear that the experiment might have been a little much for her" dr Hamm explains. Your father scoffs.

"She's not ready." He disagrees. "Did you see the way she acted in there?"

"It was her first time dealing with 049. Her first time dealing with 049-2." Dr Hamm disagrees. "She needs more training, but-" he trails off for a moment.

"But, what?" You father asks. Dr Hamm sighs.

"I fear that 049 has taken a strange interest in her." Dr Hamm elaborates. Your father seems unamused. "The way he was talking to her, the way he grabbed her, and didn't harm her. I'm not sure what it means."

"What does it matter?"

"If the 05 council hears of this they may pressure her to become closer to 049, to extract more information." Dr Hamm continues.

"Is that not what you want?" You father asks as he looks back up at the screen that shows 049 still writing. Dr Hamm shakes his head.

"I want her to be the lead Doctor yes, but I fear getting close to 049 is only more dangerous than the rest of us realize."

"What do you mean 'get close to him'? What are you insinuating?" He presses for more answers.

"Some personnel have closer bounds with SCP's, I'm sure you know this. It depends on the SCP and what kind of treatment they need. Sometimes they simply prefer some people over others. And, your daughter seems to be who 049 prefers out of the doctors he's met so far." He explains.

"He's a witty bastard. He seems to be able to talk smoothly with most people. If my daughter seems to be his favorite so be it. It will greatly help her career if she can manage to get more intel with him. Let the 05 council know. It will be best for her." You dad disagrees. Dr Hamm glares.

"Better for her, or for you Dr ____?" Dr Hamm inquires. You father pauses before smirking and turning away from him, not giving him that satisfaction of an answer.

The honorable Doctor reaches the hallway and closes the door behind him. He turns to the direction of the cafeteria where he told you to wait for him. Hopefully you had taken his advice and calmed yourself and gotten a bite to eat. You would soon realize that being a level 3 clearance involved a lot more stressful work, and the break that he offered you wouldn't be apart of your normal routine for much longer. Your father wouldn't protect you from the harshness of the job, and soon neither would Dr Hamm.

When he entered the cafeteria he was met with the sight of you sitting alone in the corner by yourself. You looked up when you heard his footsteps and you both took a moment of silence with each other. Without his direction you sat yourself up and walked towards him. He sucked in his lips and with one left glance he turned down the hall with you following behind. Both of you know what needed to be done, and to his surprise you we're more ready than he'd expected of you.

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