Truck-kun Strikes Again !

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(A/n this story has profanity , sexual situations , depression and abuse in it , please do not read if you are triggered easily . Also I have FAKE potion recipes in this story , please do not try them they will not work and some of them will cause HARM to you . This is pure fiction , not to be copied at all !)  

Running down the sidewalk I quickly round the corner ." Late late late , I am so fucking late !" I shout to myself . Coming to a crosswalk I wait impatiently as the cars whiz by . Looking over I see a child chasing a ball into the street . "Look out you moron!" I shout as I dive and push the kid out of the road .  Seeing a truck just in time I roll out of the way and stand up on the sidewalk . " Shit ....that could of been really bad." I laugh to myself .  Turning around I twist my ankle on the ball the kid was chasing and stumble to the center of the street . Realizing where I was standing I look over to see the same truck barreling towards me . 

Waking up with a light groan , I slowly open my eyes and am blinded by the sun shining in from the window

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Waking up with a light groan , I slowly open my eyes and am blinded by the sun shining in from the window . Holding out my hand to block it out ,I hear shuffling and the closing of the curtains.

" Is that better ?" a female voice asked .   

Grunting I sit up and look over .


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"Uh .....yeah ...thanks .....where am I ??" I ask confused of my surroundings .

The girl sighed, walked over and sat on the bed next to me . " So's the deal , Your dead ...." she gave me a cheeky smile and a thumbs up . I just stared at her with even more questions . 

" Cool ....sooo we good ?" she asked still smiling . 

"No I'm not dead , I have obviously been kidnaped. Jokes on you though , My family is so broke we can't pay attention half the time ." I said rolling out of bed . 

She chuckles as she waves her hand , as she does a replay of how I died played in midair . " You were so cool , you know up until ." she points as me stumbling from the ball and then getting hit by a truck . 

Potions for a Crossover    (Male reader x Anime Crossover harem )Where stories live. Discover now