What's Sleep?

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Laying in my bed I began to feel myself drift asleep , then from above me a bright white light blinded me . Finding myself in an unknown cave dress and  with my gear  , confused I decide to walk along the path to see where it leads . " Where am I ?" I think to myself . 

Then the end of the cave slowly comes into sight and an outline of a door can be made out . 

Moving closer and closer I begin to feel heavier , and I was having trouble breathing

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Moving closer and closer I begin to feel heavier , and I was having trouble breathing . Suddenly a voice speaks out . " You are simply a toy to her , she doesn't care about you or your life . You are replaceable." The voice said coldly . 

" I...Is it talking about Luci ?" I mutter to myself . 

" She will never care about you , she is simply bored F/n . " the voice said getting angrier.

I wanted to turn around and leave but something pushed me forward , I needed to open the door . Some force beyond my control made me feel like If I didn't open it I would regret it . 

Placing my hand onto the door I push it open , and with a creak it flew open to reveail the one who I thought was talking to me .

Placing my hand onto the door I push it open , and with a creak it flew open to reveail the one who I thought was talking to me

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" Christ , the fu-" I started but was cut off with a earth shaking roar . 

Before I turn to run I notice the creature is chained to the ground . It fought against it harshly , it pulled and bit the chain. 

Looking at it I felt something in the pit of my stomach . " I ...I feel bad for it ." I thought . 

It turned to me and growled angerly ." Stay away , I'll eat you and then I'll kill HER!!" it shouted . 

Ignoring the threats I walk closer to it and crouched to it's level . " I'm F/n , who are you ?" I asked trying my best to smile . 

It jumped at me and knocked me to the ground , Pulling its arm back poised to strike . " I said stay AWAY!" It then slammed its clawed hand into the ground next to my head . 

" I know , but you look like you need help . So if you give me a bit , I'll try to get the chains off ." I said calmly . 

" Liar liar LIAR!!!" it shouted . 

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