Getting Her Back

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Sitting alone in my bedroom I just stare off into space . " Why do I even care that she doesn't want to be my friend anymore , I don't even know Eu ." 

I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't even notice Luci came into the room to check on me . She looked at me with saddened eyes and withdrew into the hallway . Looking over I see a tray of food on the nightstand next to me . " I need to get over this , I gotta eat something . I have people who are here for me and they won't just up and leave . "  I think to myself as I lean over and grab some food . 

Suddenly my mind drifts to the last thing she wrote . " It's for his own good ." This causes me to stop and come to a realization . " She thinks she doing the right thing , she thinks she's saving me from something ." 

Jumping up from the bed I get dressed and devour the food Luci left for me . Leaving the room I head to the living room where Luci is sitting . She looks at me surprised ,but then smiles . " Going to try and win her back huh ?" she asks . 

"Hell yeah , but seeing as your the Headmistress . What can you tell me about her ?" I question . 

Luci places a finger to her  chin  and goes into some thought . " Eucliwood Hellscythe , her age is unknown but she is a if not the most powerful necromancer in the demon realm." 

" Necromancer , that means she is a magic user who works with the dead right ?" I ask . 

Luci nods . " She refuses to talk or even show emotions do to the fact she is so powerful . One word or one lash out of emotion can have catastrophic repercussions . It has also been shown to cause her immense pain   . " 

" Well , I guess I should get some potions ready and come up with a plan . " I say to myself . 

Luci stands up and places a hand on my shoulder . " You really will die for her won't you ?" 

" I don't want too , but she is a friend and she is in trouble . I won't turn my back on her , not after you gave me a second chance and the tools to fight back ." I tell her with a smile . 

She grabs her wine off the table and gives me a grin . " Seems you are going to cause some excitement sooner then expected . 

Once I went into the workshop I notice a large case of empty gel capsules

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Once I went into the workshop I notice a large case of empty gel capsules . " Awesome , I just got the best idea ever ." I mutter to myself . 

A few hours later I finished my potions and head out to meet with Luci . She hands me a slip of paper . " It's her address , I am all for this little plan but be careful F/n . " she says as she leaves the room . 

Following the instructions Luci gave me I head to where Eu's house is . Once I arrive I am in shock to see the building is completely destroyed . Before I panic I run inside the house to see if Eu is ok . After searching what I could I found no trace of her . Reaching into my  pocket I pull out a gel capsule and swallow it . After a second my senses become sharpened and a deep growl leaves my throat . " Werewolf potion is in full effect . Let's try to get a scent ." I think to myself . 

Potions for a Crossover    (Male reader x Anime Crossover harem )Where stories live. Discover now