Originally named- Mafia Stepbrothers and Cold Girl/ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ? -ᴍʏ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ.
'They are demons in angel's disguise, do something against them, and you'd face the wrath of hell.'
A cold and depressed girl...who has a warm heart but covers it up because she...
When Y/N woke up, she looked at the ceiling for a few minutes, before trying to sit. However, since her one hand was attached to the glucose, she was having difficulty. The difficulty didn't last long, as someone held her from behind, one arm around her shoulders, and helped her in sitting up.
That, someone, was Namjoon. He kept the pillow at her back and made her sit straight.
NAMJOON-Good evening Y/N-ahh.
Y/N looked around to see no one else, she looked at him and stared.
NAMJOON- We'll be soon going home, Y/N-iee!
Y/N looked at the door, which opened, revealing Ms. Kim, with a small bag. Behind her was Suga. They walked near her, as Namjoon shifted back, giving space to his mother.
MOM-- Did you have a nice sleep, baby? -She asked as she kept the bag aside, opening it to reveal clothes.
Y/N reached out for her hand. Her mother looked at her.
MOM-Do you need anything, sweety?
Y/N looked at the lady's hand, opened it, and then looked at her, and Suga.
SUGA- What happened, doll?
Y/N looked at him and then back at her mother, who left Y/N's hand and began rummaging in the bag. Within seconds, she held out the same red gummy bear in her palm.
Y/N looked at her lap, to which the other three chuckled.
MOM- You wanna have it, don't you?
Y/N looked up at her, and then at the candy. She tilted her head to the side.
Ms. Kim handed it to Suga, who unwrapped it and held it out for Y/N to eat.
The girl opened her mouth slightly, as Suga made her eat it. She began to chew it slowly.
MOM- Boys, move out, please. I need to get your sister freshened up. Stay outside and don't come unless I call you.
Suga and Namjoon went out, closing the door behind them. Ms. Kim stood up and moved towards the windows on the door to put the curtains. Once done, she came back and took out the towel from the bag, keeping it on the corner of the bed. Y/N was looking at her all this time since she had already eaten the candy.
MOM- Baby, can you wash up, yourself up today?
She helped Y/N in standing up and then removed the glucose from the back of her hand.
MOM- Do you want me to help you?
Y/N looked at her then at the towel, picking it up slowly.
MOM- You wanna do it yourself, okay sweety. Just let me know if you need anything, and don't lock the door from the inside. I'll be waiting out here.