Inner Demons 😈

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“Madan, I want you to report your findings about the current investments from the companies of US in India to Ms. Neha as I will be away for a meeting at the Ministry of Finance”, ordered Arjun dismissing Madan, a diligent Junior Manager at Federal Bank of India.

It had been two weeks to the trip to Kingdom of Dreams and these two weeks have been amazingly blissful. Arjun and Neha had been closer than ever before. With small talks during the morning jogs when Bruno snuggled to Neha, Arjun felt complete. The glances they stole during the office hours gave a tinge of satisfaction to both of them.

Arjun smiled remembering last Thursday when he had tried to match his time to leave office with that of Neha’s. Neha had been walking briskly towards the metro station when Arjun had offered her a ride to her home. With a gracious smile, she had accepted the offer taking the passenger seat just beside him. His heart had fluttered when he had seen her smiling towards him radiantly. The car ride had been a silent one but it had certainly given birth to myriads of emotions inside him. He had gatecrashed in her house and relished the cup of tea made by her while she had sipped her coffee.

As much as he had wanted to spend some more time with her and enjoyed the dinner, he was bound to leave early because Bruno was all alone back home. He knew that Bruno was an intelligent dog who would get anxious because his master had been late.

Reminiscing the old memories, Arjun smiled coyly as he got up to leave for a high level meeting conducted at the Secretary Office of Ministry of Finance. Only he knew how much he wished that Neha accompanied him. Though junior to him in position, she was well-versed with the subject of the meeting. Arjun had conducted a discussion in the conference hall two days back where he had asked all the staff members to give inputs for the meeting. Arjun had been quite impressed with the inputs Neha had given and he was going to use her ideas today.

“She is too passionate and knowledgeable”, he murmured to himself as he left the premises of Federal Bank of India.

On the other hand, Neha had been working over the biannual reports of expenditure of the Forex Department when her friend, Juhi barged into her cabin to drag her for the lunch. Shaking her head, she smiled as they walked through the corridors towards the pantry. She frowned looking at the empty cabin of the General Manager, Mr. Arjun Verma, after all, she was used to looking at him fondly having his meal everyday. In these days, Neha had learnt one thing about Arjun and it was that he relished eating!

Neha and her friends were enjoying their lunch while Juhi was blabbering about her ongoing wedding preparations enthusiastically. Juhi was getting married in the coming month and hence, she was very excited. On the other hand, Madan was typing furiously on the computer when his best friend Pawan greeted him.

“Madan, stop typing and just eat”, Pawan reprimanded his friend. Lunch hour was going to end while his friend had skipped his meal which agitated Pawan.

“No, I need to give the report to Neha ma'am, today”, spoke Madan nonchalantly as he continued to work.

“Why Neha?”, asked Pawan menacingly. He was certainly jealous of his female colleague Neha because she was diligent one unlike him.

“Being an Assistant Manager, it is her duty to accept my reports because Arjun Sir is out for a meeting”, replied Madan angrily. He hated when Pawan spouted nonsense and he knew where this conversation was heading to.

“First Neha trained the new interns and now Neha is reviewing reports. We don’t need Arjun Verma if Neha is there.” Pawan jibed menacingly irritating Madan a lot.

After the lunch, Neha was walking towards her cabin in happy mood when she heard Pawan jibing upon her. She knew Pawan was jealous of her but she never knew that he would mock at her diligence along with Arjun’s. She knew that eavesdropping is considered to be unethical but she could not control herself as she stood to overhear the conversation.

Madan had lost his cool by now. “You are supposed to focus at your job and leave me so that I can work”, Madan replied. As much as he wanted to yell on his friend and tell him that mocking over someone’s hardworking nature was unacceptable, he refrained to do that.

“Neha wants to bag the tag of being the best employee and Arjun is helping her”, mumbled Pawan with disgust laced in his tone and Neha was petrified.

With a heavy heart, she wondered, “Am I being favored by Arjun?”

“She is not into the race of getting the trophy of being the best employee because she knows her worth and as far as Arjun Sir is concerned, he values each and every employee so please leave”, Madan shouted at Pawan clearly disliking the nonsense Pawan was spouting.

“She is in the race, my friend. She is in the race and yes, Arjun Verma will obviously help her”, Pawan mumbled shattering Neha more. She decided to talk with Arjun on this matter when she heard Pawan saying, “He will definitely help her for she is too close to him”, leaving her petrified.

You demure woman, see people are calling you names”, Neha’s brain chided her as she felt helpless and disgusted at herself.  Within moments, she was robbed off of her dignity and her character was questioned shattering her to the core.

“What nonsense?”, Madan asked flabbergasted.

“I saw him feeding her in Kingdom of Dreams with his own hands. I could have ignored but last week I saw them going somewhere together in his car.” Praveen chimed in while Neha stood like a rock. She was feeling ashamed of her own conduct. She mentally decided to maintain distance with Arjun.

With utter disappointment, Madan bellowed, “Instead of questioning her character, praise her hard-working nature and dedication but before that, just get out”.

Taking the cue, Neha walked towards her cabin and on the way, she heard Madan shouting at Pawan to just leave. Her joyous self had lost all her energy now as her eyes watered.

Is it a crime to get closer to a senior?” Her heart questioned trying to decimate her guilt while her mind responded, “It is indeed, a crime to shed off one’s own dignity and eat golgappas fed by a senior or to jump inside the car just to enjoy that senior’s proximity”, shattering her to the core.

You have lost your virtue, Neha”, her soul screamed as she slumped on her chair inside her cabin and cried hard. She wept for long until she heard a knock on her door. Wiping her tears, she composed herself and asked the intruder to come inside only to find Madan, who had come to hand over the reports he was asked to.

“Ma'am, Manager sir had asked to give these reports to you”, Madan mumbled as he keenly noticed the puffy eyes of the woman sitting before him. For once, he wanted to ask if she was okay but then he decided against it.

For once Neha wanted to tell him that he should hand over the reports to Arjun only but then with a curt nod, she took the file. Glancing at the clock, she realized that she had wasted one precious hour of work and hence, she decided to stay back till six. Madan left the cabin without saying anything while Neha drank some water before immersing herself in her work.

On the other hand, Arjun was elated upon getting appreciated at the end of the conference. He was indeed, proud of Neha. He was sure that two years down the line when she would be promoted as a General Manager, she would emerge as one of the most efficient professionals. He was driving back home at half past five in the evening when his mobile phone displayed the call of his sister.

“Hi, Radha”, he chirped putting the call on speaker. Exchanging pleasantries, he shared his joy bragging about Neha’s knowledge and skillset. Radha, who wanted to know the outcome of meeting which had turned her confident brother into an anxious human, was immensely happy that the meeting had ended on a good note.

Everyone in the Verma family knew that Arjun was not comfortable with the desk job at Federal Bank of India and hence, they were truly thankful to Neha for entering in Arjun’s messy life thereby, giving him some moments of pleasures.

Radha could not stop herself and finally asked, “When are you asking her out, lover boy?”, and Arjun beamed with a dazzling smile. Having dated in the past, he knew the rules. He knew that he needed to ask her out for a date and show his interest in her before she accepted any marriage proposal coming in her way.

He surely wanted to spend his life with her, placating her every now and then, thus, giving her plenty of reasons to smile instead of feeling disheartened but as of now, he believed in taking one step at a time.

“Soon”, he murmured as his heart somersaulted while his brain asked him, “Do you have guts, bro?”

“Ask her out on the weekend and begin dating. Add some spice to your boring life, bro!” Radha chimed in enthusiastically while Arjun chuckled. Ofcourse, he needed some sweetness as well as tanginess of love and togetherness in his otherwise, boring life.

“Is it not too soon?” He asked entering inside the parking lot of his housing society.

“We miss a lot while trying to find the right time, Arjun bhai”, she reverted gloomily as some memories rushed in her mind. Composing herself quickly, Radha suggested, “Ask her out on a dinner.” “Wine, dine and chill!”, she chirped enthusiastically.

“I will”, he whispered switching off the speaker mode while he moved towards the elevator. Exuberantly, Radha chit-chatted with her brother until her son woke up while Arjun excitedly made plans to ask Neha for a date.

Later that evening, Arjun decided to call Neha and thank her personally for her valuable inputs for the meeting. While sipping his strong masala tea, he dialed her number only to hear, “The person you are calling is not answering, please call again later”.

Wondering that she must be busy, he rushed to the kitchen in order to prepare meal for Bruno oblivious to the fact that she was disheartened enough to avoid his calls deliberately since she was feeling guilty of getting closer to him.


Hi everyone

I am heartily sorry for a delayed update. Trust me, I had my reasons. 😔

I was off wattpad due to my busy schedule. My business needed my presence. I have learnt a lot. I shall give a good news of my own venture and show you my designs in coming six months or more and I couldn't wait to do that.😅

I couldn't write an update but I promise to update again this week.😊

Also I need to tell that my telogen effluvium finally ended after a series of medicines and rigorous oiling. It started in July and it was quite disheartening to lose clumps of hair each day. Unfortunately I had to change my hairstyle and I have my luscious locks! But finally no more hairloss, which is a good news!!!!😅

P.S i am disheartened with Neha in this chapter but the misery shall end up soon! 😍

I am waiting for Arjun’s reaction. 🤭

👉 Women are often judged on the basis of looks and conduct instead of their hard-working nature, passion and dedication everywhere in this world. What's your take on this kind of harassment? 🤔

With immense love, I sign off only to be back soon 💜

With immense love, I sign off only to be back soon 💜

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