The Revelation 💌

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"We have decided to get married", announced Arjun, connecting everyone on the video call.

His parents were super happy upon listening to the news while Neha's siblings had shock all over their faces. Piya and Piyush were aware of the relationship of their sister and they were waiting for both of them to reveal things to their parents but the idea of sudden marriage suddenly sound scary to both Piya and Piyush. Mayank and Radha, on the other hand, shared teasing smiles, excited to attend the wedding of Arjun.

"Wow! Congratulations!", exclaimed Mrinalini in utmost excitement while, Piyush sighed, "Amazing!", sarcasm evident in his voice. He was sure something was off between Neha and his parents which had led her to make such an impulsive decision. Piya, on the other hand, was proud of her sister because finally her little sister had grown up to take a stand for herself. Piya was the happiest after all, her baby sister had chosen her love.

"Welcome to the family, Neha", exclaimed Ajay with a huge grin on his face.

"Congratulations", sang Mayank and Radha together, bringing smiles on the faces of Neha and Arjun, despite the tension in the air.

"How to break this news to Papa?", asked Piyush impatiently. Being the son of Gupta family, he felt the responsibility to represent his family and he was not wrong at all. Any sane son would want the involvement of his parents in his sister's wedding.

"They are not invited", replied Neha incredulously. The indignant announcement brought shock on every face showing on the screen. Arjun's family was shocked while Neha's siblings were mortified.

Somewhere in their hearts, Piya and Piyush had realized that finally Neha was not willing to share the burden of taunts and traumas just because she had chosen to be an independent woman unlike the woman their father wanted her to be. Both Piya and Piyush knew one thing and that was, they were going to support Neha, no matter what it took because finally their sister was going to heaven after a long stay in hell.

"What?", asked Ajay, not knowing how to react. He was not wanting to give any gesture of disapproval but he was kinda disappointed at such an immature decision.

"Neha's parents have fixed her wedding with some businessman. She had already had an altercation but they are not ready to listen so we have decided to get married before the scheduled engagement. You guys are invited, if you want." Arjun announced in one go, with huge sense of authority in his voice. His body language told that his decision was full and final with no scope of backing off.

His mother simply, smiled, knowing that her son had made a right choice. Behind Neha's smile, Mrinalini had seen Neha's cravings to feel loved and hence, she was proud that her son was freeing up his lady-love from the clutches of her pain and sorrows.

Ajay could finally understand the rationale of Neha and Arjun's impulsive decision. He was glad that his son had finally chosen to fulfill the promises he must have made with his lady-love. He was proud of his son who had decided to stay with his beloved during the time of crisis.

Mayank and Radha pitied Neha. They realized that the poor girl needed support while she fought for her love with her parents. They knew that Neha was in a tough spot because she had to choose between her love and her parents. It was indeed, a difficult choice for anyone to make.

"But how come I am not aware?", Piyush wondered out loud while Piya was still trying to contain the shock however, the sudden visit of their parents to Delhi finally made sense to both of them.

"I heard them talking that Papa has kept things under wraps", replied Neha with zero emotions on her face. She was trying hard not to break. Arjun held her hand, squeezing it lightly, giving her the much-needed support.

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