Leap of Faith - II 🌟

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Yes, I did confront him and his male ego was brutally shattered", she said, weeping as Arjun hugged her. Lying in the bed together, Arjun was able to see her tear-stricken face and her vulnerability. He pitied at her broken-self, promising himself, to never break her ever again!

She hiccupped, amidst her tears, hugging him and finally poured her heart out. "I was expecting a mature reaction but he created a huge fuss about everything. His insecurities overpowered his mind. He labelled me as a characterless lady, sex-addict and what not. He called off the engagement ruining my image before my parents."

"That's insane. He is such a jerk. I want to punch him hard and shatter his fragile male ego." Arjun mumbled, rudely. How could a guy yell at a woman who was ready to support him even after knowing that marrying him was a like entering into a black hole with only darkness and no turning back!

"Sexuality is a sensitive topic for men, I understand. I was ready to cooperate with him. I had spent nights reading that his disorder was curable. I was ready to take a chance even if it meant to invite taunts of not giving a heir to the family within a year of marriage, but he showed his true colours." She muttered, with sheer disgust for Rahul. Her tears knew no bounds as she remembered the huge ruckus, Rahul and his family had created before many relatives of their families. She had expected her parents, especially her mother to support her but all she had heard was, "Neha, I wish you died before you were born", leaving her completely shattered.

"Neha, he did not deserve your cooperation at all. I am really glad that you are not married to him. You were not supposed to sacrifice your identity and your happiness for the sake of him. You were not supposed to hear all the taunts and ruin your life because of him. If he had been caring and loving towards you, I would have still supported your act of cooperating with him but he was chaining you because of his insecurities. He deserved a punch instead of any kind of mental support." Arjun consoled her, wiping her tears, as he pulled her closing to himself.

He pitied her. She had gone through a lot. He could understand her parents must have not supported her and he was angry at them. As much as he had known Neha, he had realized that she valued the people around her a lot and he was sure that she was broken beyond repair, not because of Rahul but because of her unsupportive family.

"But that's how marriages work, right. One has to cooperate with the other and support each other in all the thick and thin." Neha argued.

"Yes, but the key is that both of the people have to support each other. A wife compromising all the time while the husband subduing a wife each time, doesn't make sense." Arjun replied, kissing on her forehead lightly, gently wiping her tears. He was relaxed that they laid in the bed, facing each other and now, he could see her facial expressions.

"Moreover, you deserve a world, Neha. He did not deserve you at all. We could have thrown him in the jail tonight." Arjun mumbled, genuinely wanting to throw Rahul behind the bars after all, that stupid man was the reason, that his woman had suffered a lot.

"Then his parents would have called mine and created a ruckus. Our happy bubble would have burst, Arjun." She muttered, sighing. As much as she wanted to spend her lifetime with Arjun, she was afraid that her parents would never approve him. Her parents had been too overbearing. She was tired of hearing their taunts everyday. Sometimes, she wanted to run away with Arjun leaving her family behind.

"But how long, Neha? You need a happy life. Marry me, and I will give the world to you. I will handle everything, trust me." Arjun asked. He was tired of this dating concept. Now that, Neha was an open book to him, he wanted to rewrite every chapter with love and happiness. He wanted to make love to her and give a happy family she deserved. He wanted to yell at her parents and tell them to shoo away from their lives. Hence, marrying her was important to him.

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