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he took a seat beside me on the gold coast when the crimson sky bled into the azure sea. "it is time for us to leave." he whispered. i knew that it left a toxic sapidity in his tongue; the way his features sagged in grief. we were born with the cosmos and now we go back, for we are made of stardust. he took my hand and laced our fingers as i dug the sand with my toes in vain endeavors of absorbing the life we are leaving on gaia's skin. i glance at my lover who wandered towards the adam's ale with me and soaked his soul into the moistened gravities until we were submerged.

these were the last minutes on the terra firma with our hands clasped until our mortal umbra is towed apart by the waves and the bleeding soleil which we yen to feel, thus, we end it with a kiss.

the end

happy new year!!

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