– – – 🍩🧸 – – –
@.coolbreezehoonie (terlalu panjang ga si😭)
@.jaymet (maaf😭🙏)
@.lovin.jay (buat bucin jay🤣)
siapa nih bias kalian?
/who is your bias?– – – 🍩🧸 – – –
sc : my brain
please respect the results of my thoughts by asking for permission and don't repost the names that I have written with frills that are the results of your thoughts.
indo sub : tolong hargai hasil pemikiran saya dengan meminta izin dan jangan repost nama-nama yang sudah saya tulis dengan embel-embel yang merupakan hasil pemikiran anda.
aesthetic username
Randomfree use aesthetic username /let's use it before someone else wears it! ayo kamu pakai sebelum orang lain memakainya!