O1O. information + request

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hai semua, apa kabar?

aku mau minta saran kalian tentang book ini. entah itu chapternya kurang panjang atau lainnya, kalian boleh banget kasih saran di komentar dan papan pesan.

'kenapa aku bikin setiap chapter di book ini panjang?'

karena dengan begitu, aku bisa memberikan kalian banyak pilihan username ideas. kalo aku kasihnya sedikit, pilihannya juga sedikit dong:( and then pasti ada username yang langsung di keep sama salah satu pembaca. soo, aku memberikan lebih banyak pilihan buat kalian <3

tapi dalam satu minggu aku ga bisa up 3 kali, karena buat aesthetic usn itu aga susah buat mikirnya ya. kalo bisa dan sempet, aku pasti up(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

by the way, kalian bisa yaa request di kolom komentar mau aesthetic usn apa untuk chapter selanjutnya. ex :
req aesthetic usn exo.

segitu dulu dari aku, semoga hari kalian menyenangkan yaa !!

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/hi all, how are you?

/i want to ask your advice about this book. whether it's a short chapter or something else, you can really give suggestions in the comments and message boards.

/'why do i make every chapter in this book long?'

/because that way, i can give you many choices of username ideas. if i give a little, the choice is also a little :( and then there must be a username that is directly kept by one of the readers. soo, i give you more choices <3

/but in one week i can't upgrade 3 times, because for aesthetic usn it's a bit difficult to think about, huh. if i can and have time, i'll definitely up(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

/by the way, you can request in the comments column what aesthetic usn is for the next chapter. ex :
req aesthetic usn exo.

/that's all from me, i hope you have a nice day !!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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aesthetic usernameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang