fifteen | curiosity

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"The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked,
I cried to dream again."

The Tempest
(Act 3 Scene 3)


The next morning I woke up earlier than usual, feeling weirdly excited for the day. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact I had two English lessons today, before and after lunch.

Walking to my wardrobe, I picked out something purple, without really thinking about it. Afterward my morning routine, I made my way downstairs, making some breakfast and sitting on the sofa. A glance through the window told me that the weather was the opposite of yesterday, the sun was bright and shining. It was nice, knowing that it would be warmer.

I checked the clock, sighing when I realised I had a lot of time before I needed to leave. To pass it, I began scrolling through social media. Valentina's pictures popped up first, they were mainly of her and her boyfriend, kissing and doing generally straight stuff. it made me chuckle, looking up from my screen for a second. But when I did that, something caught my eye.

The side table normally had four picture frames on it, though today it had three. Standing up, I walked over, frowning. I was absolutely sure there had been four yesterday. I wracked my brain, trying to remember which one was missing, and managed to remember it being a recent picture of me, Carlson and Monica, one of my favourite ones. Where could it have gone? I definitely hadn't moved it, so had someone taken it? But no one had been round for while-

My eyes widened, Ms Venable had been here yesterday..

No, no that couldn't be it, she had no reason to take something from my house, it was silly of me to even consider it.



The warm air blew gently across my face, making the trees sway slightly. Walking to school was quite pleasant, especially whilst listening to Stevie on the way.

"Boo!" Someone practically jumped on me, nearly making the both of us topple over.

"Calm down Val, don't attack me-" I wheezed, trying to catch my breath as she'd almost winded me.

"Sorryyyy, I'm just so happy today!" She squealed, finally walking normally beside me.


"My aunt's coming to town this evening, she's literally the coolest person I've ever known." She skipped along with a huge grin, making me smile. Her happiness seemed to be contagious.

"That's nice, are you doing anything with her?" But I stopped listening, too distracted by the dark purple car that drove past. I immediately recognised it as Ms Venable's. I knew that she was always at school earlier than students, so it was strange to see her going to work at this time. Maybe she'd overslept. My mind wandered, wondering what her mornings were like, did she have breakfast? Did she make up her bed everyday? A horrible thought flashed through my brain, what if she lived with someone else, perhaps a partner?

Stop it (Y/N), it's not like you two are together, it shouldn't matter to you if she's with someone. Jeez, think of someone else for once.

When we arrived at school, we made our way to History. Don't get me wrong, I liked the subject, but our teacher Mr Wynn was so boring, it was incredible.

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