twenty one | kisses

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"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

(A Midsummer Night's Dream,
 Act 1 Scene 1)


I let out a deep breath as I sat down on my sofa. I'd just gotten home from Ms Venable's house. There was so much to think about, but I didn't have time to do that because there was a knock at my door. With a deep sigh, I hauled myself up and opened it, revealing Monica.

"Hey.." I forced a smile, stepping to the side to let Monica in.

"You had me worried sick!" She walked into the living room and sat down, I followed suit.

"I know, I'm sorry.. I ended up going to a friend's house." My mind jumped to the 'friend'.

"Next time you need to let me know, I almost called your parents to say you were missing." Her forehead creased a little, showing her genuine worry.

"No- don't call them." I groaned, covering my face. Getting them involved would make everything worse.

Monica crossed her arms loosely and leaned back on the sofa. "I won't, unless you go missing again."

I shook my head, "I wasn't missing. I was just hanging out with my friend." My cheeks flushed as I remembered what exactly I had been doing with Ms Venable; kissing.

Monica raised an eyebrow, noticing the way my face now had a pink tint. She leaned forward now, "Is this 'friend' more than a friend?" The expression on her face wasn't angry, actually it was somewhat amused.

"Uh.. no.."

"(Y/N), you've always been a terrible liar. I just want to know if you're being safe." She spoke with a hint of concern, which made me want to curl up and disappear. No one wants to have 'the talk' with a guardian figure.

"Ew, no, it's not like that!" The thought of doing things with a boy was utterly repulsive. How could I tell her I was not into boys, but middle aged women who happen to be English teachers?

Monica's lips stretched into a smile, "You don't have to be embarrassed, it's perfectly normal." This only made me cringe more.

"Okay I am just going to disappear now, bye." I groaned, which caused her to laugh. She stood up after checking the time on her phone.

"I'll stop embarrassing you now, I've got a few errands to run. I'll see you in a few days? And you always know I'm here if you need me." It was hard to feel annoyed that I had Monica paid to look after me. I was eighteen, but I also understood that it was her job.

"Yeah, see you soon, Mon." I finally smiled, giving her a quick hug before she left. Once I was alone, I went upstairs and threw myself onto my bed. Tiredness washed over me, despite having a good sleep at Ms Venable's house. Eventually I drifted off, in a land of dreams. Dreams about her.


Monday came around too quickly. I felt like it had only just been Saturday. Oh well.

It was the lesson before lunch, so I walked into the English Literature class alongside Valentina. We were having a very important conversation.

"But Charlie is such a DILF, like why isn't there a movie about him called 'Dilflight' or 'Breaking Dilf'?" Valentina explained.

A laugh escaped my lips, shaking my head. It was nice to have a good friend but sometimes straight people scared me.

"No way, he's too soft to be thought of in that way. I'm team Alice." I rolled my eyes, trying to sound like I wasn't a massive lesbian.

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