nine | just a dream

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"We are all made of dreams, and our life stretches from sleep before birth to sleep after death."

- The Tempest
(Act 4, scene 1)


A week had passed since that revision session. A week since I came to the realisation of my attraction to Ms Venable. It was mainly all I could think about now; Ms Venable. Now I was aware of my feelings, I wanted to get rid of them. No, I needed to get rid of them, for so many reasons.

So here I was, sitting alone in the library, staring aimlessly out in the thin air, ignoring the pile of work in front of me, as one does.

"There you are, have you been here for two hours?" Valentina appeared in my vision, so I snapped out of my daydream, looking a bit dazed.

"Oh, yes, I had two free periods so I decided to study." I smiled, pointing to the unopened textbooks.

"Doesn't look this you've got a lot done." She laughed, pulling up a chair and sitting down. Nodding in agreement, I sighed heavily.

"What's up with you lately, you've been lost in you own world for the past week."

Frowning slightly, dropped my gaze, knowing perfectly well what the reason was. I had just a small attraction to a specific teacher. It can't be big, I'd known her for what, three weeks? I can get over it, of course I can.

"Helloooo, earth to (Y/N)?" Valentina waved a hand in my face, and I came to the realisation that even in just two minutes I'd managed to slip back into my thoughts about Ms Venable.

"I'm just tired, I haven't been sleeping well. So work has been hard to keep my attention on." Great lie. But apparently it was actually a good lie, because Valentina bought it.

"You should try keeping lavender by your bed, and a dream catcher, it's good for removing bad energy.." I stopped listening halfway through, because no offence to her, but sometimes her rambles about spirituality completely went past my head.

"Do you know anything about Ms Venable?" I asked out of the blue, surprising Valentina.

"Oh, no, I don't actually. Only that she's one strict woman. Scary actually." She shrugged. If only I could shrug off the thoughts of that purple dragon. "Why'd you ask? She does seem to have it out for you, you've had so many detentions with her now."

"Yeah I have.. I was just wondering." Shaking my head, I took a deep breath, looking down at the books. Valentina did the same, pulling out some of her homework, and soon we were both staring to actually work. Well, that was until I head a faint shuffle behind me. My head turned quickly out of curiosity, because the noise had come from behind a bookshelf.

Then, as if by pure coincidence, I heard the quiet thud of a cane against the carpeted library floor. And who else in this school used a cane other than Ms Venable. I stood up, walking as silently as possible to the bookshelf to peak through, but of course, no one was there.

Maybe I imagined that, it wouldn't be a surprise.


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