six | this is mine

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"The worst is not, So long as we can say, 'This is the worst.'"

- King Lear
(Act 4, Scene 1)


The rest of the week and a half passed by painfully slowly. Nothing major had happened apart from strange moments between Ms Venable and I. Well, at least I thought they were 'moments'. It was those split second glances and smirks, and they were making me feel increasingly.. well to be honest I didn't know how to describe the feeling. Either way, Ms Venable just couldn't escape my mind, and I couldn't work out why.

It was the weekend, Sunday to be precise, and I had made plans, Valentina was going to come and take me to the nearest park which apparently was 'the best place ever'. Maybe it sounded like a childish place to go to, but I was mainly going for her promise of ice cream. Priorities.

I rummaged through my wardrobe, finding a grey jumper and jeans. It was growing cold outside, so I also added a silky black scarf after slipping on my dark red coat.

Eventually I heard the doorbell ring, so I glanced at the mirror with a sigh, then went downstairs to the front door. Luckily I had persuaded Monica and Carson to let me go without them.

"(Y/N)! This is house is amazing!" Valentina squealed, looking past my shoulder excitedly.

"It's nice, but lonely sometimes." I chuckled, locking the door behind me. We started to walk out of my estate and down the roads leading towards the park.

"So, how has your first two weeks? Not too bad I hope." Valentina asked, looking at me with a smile. It always confused me as to how she always wore a happy expression. I was one of those people with a resting bitch face, no matter how hard I tried to smile a lot. It wasn't that I was always feeling bitchy, my facial muscles just got tired.

"It was okay, I'm glad it's the weekend though, I was exhausted." I sighed, looking at the surroundings, noticing the park ahead.

"I don't blame you, the timetable is a little full on. Also, I have a question." Valentina glanced over at me, making my eyebrows raise in curiosity.

"What is it?"

"Do you like swings?"

I burst out laughing, as did she, "Seriously? I thought you were going to ask me something serious."

"It is! It's a very important question that you still haven't answered!" Valentina pushed my arm joking me, and I did the same to her.

"Well yes, I would be worried about whoever didn't."

"Then swings it is."


"Who can go the highest?" Valentina shouted, positively flying up on the swing. My competitiveness kicked in, and I shrugged off my coat and scarf, dumping them by the gate and running to the swings, then hopped onto the one next to her and beginning to kick my legs rhythmically, soon swinging as high as she was. It wasn't a very useful talent, but as a child I had always been good at this. Weird flex, I know.

The two of us spent almost an hour in the park, laughing mostly. I had never had a proper friend before, but now that I did, everything about moving into this new town now seemed a little bit better.

"Well, I better be off home, I've got some homework I need done by tomorrow." Valentina smiled, picking up her bag. I nodded, agreeing with her. I too crouched down to pick up my coat and scarf, but to my confusion, my scarf was gone. My eyebrows furrowed, looking around the tarmac for the black material, but it was nowhere to be found. The two of us spent ten minutes looking around as that scarf happened to be fairly expensive. Even though I hated big designer companies, this one I had fallen in love with that Prada scarf.

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