Chapter 14

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"Miss Carter if I see you fall asleep once more I will be giving you a detention." Our sub, Miss Jenson said angrily as my head immediately shot up from the desk and to the front of the classroom where her attention was focused solely on me.

"Oops." I mumbled as I leaned my head on my hand and picked up my pen to make it seem like I'm writing. It did the trick considering she looked away from me and began reading about hormones, mainly serotonin, out of a textbook. She could use some.

Usually I would be paying more attention than usual since it's about the brain, however considering the fact that I got zero sleep last night, makes it impossible for me to keep my eyes open for longer than thirty seconds. And when I say zero sleep, I mean zero sleep. I spent the full night snapping my friends even though they were all asleep, scrolling through TikTok, stalking hot famous guys, watching Greys Anatomy for the fifth time, and googling the most random things like 'if I get zero sleep will my brain melt?' Don't ask where that came from.

"You need to stay awake Bambi." I heard Mason whisper from besides me as he gently nudged my shoulder to wake me up. I swear I just blinked.

"Thanks." I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes and looked up to find Cruella no longer talking, but sitting at the desk and looking around the room while everyone made notes.

"Why are you so tired?" He asked with a slight frown as he slid his notebook towards me letting me copy his notes.

"I was watching Greys last night. Got too invested." I half lied and I let out a loud yawn before resting my head on my hand once again.

"Are you finding my lesson boring Miss Carter?" I heard Cruella snarl from the front of the class room as she got up and made her way towards me.

Without thinking twice, Mason switched out notebooks making it seem like I've been doing her work this whole time.

"Show me your work from this lesson." She demanded. I rolled my eyes and twisted my, well Mason's, notebook in her direction and watched her skim the pages. "Hmm well, don't fall asleep." She grumbled before disappearing back to the front.

"Thanks." I gratefully said as I let out a sigh of relief and slid his notebook back to him and took mine back to see half a page of notes written.

"You okay Ev?" Mia whispered from my right, concern evident on her face.

"I'm fine Mia, I just spent all night watching Grey's." I reassured her as she gave me a sceptical look before nodding her head and turning back to her notes. I'll have to put my acting skills to use if I want anyone to believe me. Especially Holly, she sees right through me.

The bell soon rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom not wanting to be suffocated with the sickening silence any longer. Noah and Mia left to go to their next lesson while Mason and I walked to ours. The large swarm of students rushing to their lessons made it practically impossible to even move an inch without being pushed and shoved. Being half asleep didn't help either.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Mason yelled at a guy who almost bulldozed me to the floor. He mumbled a quick apology before rushing off in the opposite direction.

"Thanks." I chuckled as he pulled me to his side and lead me through the large crowd.

"What would you do without me Bambi?" He smirked as we walked up the stairs to the third floor and into our classroom.

"Gregory, don't get too ahead of yourself. I have a few tricks of my own to get people to back off." I shrugged as we sat down at the back of the class.

"And what could your tricks possibly be? Your brother?" He asked as he tilted his head in amusement.

"Brothers." I corrected with a wide grin on my face. "Once in middle school all my friends had lunch detention because of the prank they pulled the day before, the traitors had fun without me. Anyway, this boy thought it would be funny if him and his friends cornered me, but I told them if they even thought of saying a single word to me, I'd get my dad to cut them open and make snakes eat them." I said as I burst out laughing soon followed by Mason.

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