Chapter 42

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In New York majority of the time it's cold. And not just chilly breezy cold, but frostbite cold. Conveniently for me it was the perfect get away with wearing a turtleneck without being questioned. I don't usually wear turtlenecks simply because my neck heats up and I start sweating, even when it's cold. I know, weird but who cares? Anyway, I was going to wear a cute dress I bought the other day since it was the first day back at school, but when I went to cover my...erm...curling iron burns? I realised that I ran out of concealer forcing me to cover it another way.

Last night they were just red little marks but when I woke up this morning and went to brush my teeth, those red little marks turned a deep purple over night. That's also when I made my mind up to literally kill Mason Gregory Black. Not literally of course, who else would I bully? Except everyone else, but that's besides the point.

"Come on kiddo you're already late!" Dad called from the bottom of the stairs as I let out a loud groan and slipped on my fluffy coat before putting on one of my boots. Unfortunately, I couldn't rush getting my cast off of my leg so I'm still stuck with it for this entire week.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I made sure my turtleneck was covering what needed to be covered before grabbing my school back and crutches. I hopped out of my room and towards the stairs before throwing my bag down just for dad to catch it while rolling his eyes at me.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, the two of us left the house and quickly got in the car trying to avoid as much rain as possible.

"I forgot..." I started but was soon cut off by dad handing me a baseball cap. "You're a life saver." I giggled at the unintended pun because he really does literally save lives.

"You know you don't need to wear it, you look perfectly fine." He reassured as I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"You're forced to say that because you're my dad and I'm only wearing it till my hair grows a bit more." I shrugged. Right now my hair reaches my earlobe which is a lot longer than I expected but it's still a horrid mess especially with the curls. It's like I have the head of a new born baby!

The drive was quite quick considering the time and typical New York traffic, and before I knew it was walking down the hallway of James Maddison high two months later.

"You're back?" I heard a familiar voice ask as I closed my locker and turned around to see Ethan standing a couple inches away from me.

"I am." I bluntly said, recalling our last interaction. "How's the nose?" I pettily asked as he clenched his jaw while his hold on his backpack strap tightened.

"I don't know what your problem is or why I even wanted to go out with you in the first place." He scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "You're a fucking bitch anyway." He sneered as I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step forward.

"What is it with boys and their inability to take rejection? Move on Ethan, I won't say it again." I said before turning around and walking off.

"Your moms a nice woman." He said as I froze in my steps and snapped my head in his direction. He gave me a dirty smirk before turning around and disappearing into the crowd before I had the chance to snap his neck.

Did he just...? He just did didn't he? But how? Where? Why? What?!

Snapping out of my crowded thoughts, I turned around and continued walking to my first lesson. I was supposed to meet my friends at Kade's locker but my mind is occupied with thoughts that shouldn't be there. I can give a hundred and one reasons why Ethan shouldn't even know Annabelle's existence, forget meet her or know her as a person. I can't seem to think of one good enough reason why he of all people would converse with her of all people.

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