Chapter Twenty - six

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Louis's point of view

I am sitting next to my mother when she comes to my eye, a girl with a massive black coat, covering her body. She came. Today the finals take place and my heart is racing, Olivia could truly win this competition and I cannot wait to see everyone's face when she is receiving her prize and she takes off her hat. Revealing to everyone a woman can win as well. I am proud of her already.

My mother is overly excited about the race and I have a hard time sneaking out,

"mother, could I go for a little walk please?"

"again, darling? You do not want to miss this, my son"

"Please, mother"

"at least wait until the finals have started, alright?"

"alright" I sigh, luckily Emily and Olivia are up last. I spot the Bridgerton family in the crowd, how come they do not mind Olivia leaving them? I met Anthony, he seems quite strict.

My thoughts are interrupted by the first rider and I keep my eyes on the competition, I try to estimate their scores and therefore how hard Emily and Olivia have to work in order to win. I only see the first four competitors before my mother finally lets me go, they were not extraordinarily good, which gives me plenty of hope.

I walk away and ignore all the shouting that comes my way, I have to pass a lot of young girls and they keep on yelling my name. Olivia is in the stables preparing herself and I notice her hat being slightly loose. I step closer and try to fix it when she turns around and stops me,


"hey, shall I fix the hat?"

"no, do not bother, it is fine like this"

"Olivia, it may fall off, you should-.."

"I said it was fine." She sounds annoyed,

"did I do something?"

"no, you did not. Just.. the hat is fine"

"I missed something, did I not?"

"yes, you did. I will throw the hat off during my ride"


"is it a problem?"

"they will kick you out of the race, you will not be able to win Olivia"

"I do not see the problem"

"why would you not want to win? You are the best one out here.."

"I promised Eloise"

"you promised?"

"yes, the queen told her to unmask William Williams before the award ceremony"

"you told her it was you?!"

"no. I did not. I said I could help her"


"because she is my cousin you m..." she wants to say something rude but keeps herself in check,

"how long did you know this?"

"a few days. But I have not seen you after we made the deal, I could not have told you earlier. And besides, it is my race"

"right, I mean, I simply did EVERYTHING for you, but it is your race..." I am irritated,

"you forced me to do this!"

"I did not! You wished to do this yourself!"

She sighs, "it does not matter, this will be the last competition round and I must reveal myself. After that, Anthony most likely kicks me out of the house and we shall never see each other again. Now excuse me, it is my turn next"

She swings her leg over the back of Emily and looks at me one more time,

"farewell, your highness" she nods and rides off. I watch her leave the stables and I am speechless. For a few seconds I am raging with anger towards her but then her words kick in and I realize we may never see each other again. I go outside and watch her from the sideline, this is it...


A loud gunshot fills the air, making all visitors focus on the field, where Emily and Olivia do it one more time. Olivia lowers and whispers something in Emily's ear no one can hear and as if it is magic the horse starts to run. Faster and faster the duo sprints over the grass and faces the very first obstacle. It seems to be a piece of cake for both of them, there are no flaws or mistakes, it is only perfection. The only thing that ever could be noticed was this big black hat, usually fitting tight on the 'masked man's face, which was wobbling dangerously. Olivia did not bother and continued, making the entire audience clap loudly.

Many whispers went to the crowd already, which did not stop when Emily jumped over the second obstacle. A tiny flock of hair was revealed and a huge 'ohh' went through the people sitting on the edge of their seats. For Olivia, this was her sign to make a change, to make her own history, and be of purpose in this big world. While nearly all members of the audience were fully convinced it was William Williams winning this competition, Olivia Bridgerton took a look to her side, making eye contact with her cousin Eloise, whose eyes grew bigger.

Olivia could not resist giving her other cousin Benedict a smile before she started the big reveal Lady Whistledown had been hoping for. As Emily and Olivia came closer and closer towards the obstacle closest to the crowd, Olivia took the hat in her hands and with one firm and quick movement she threw it.

Her hair was loosely laying on her head and as one tiny fly of wind came around, Olivia's shining long hair flew backward. Emily was still doing the best job and elevated herself over the obstacle, making the statement even more marvelous. This was the moment we had been waiting for, yet no one expected it. No one expected to see a 17-year-old woman, the diamond of society, the member of a great family, to fly over the obstacles like Olivia Bridgerton just did.

And where men could not stand the sudden surprise, and the humiliation they got thrown over them, the women of society could not resist smiling. Mouths fell open, names were shouted and love, as well as hate, was shared across the field. Individuals stood up and ignored the men attempting to push them back down. It was a risk, knowing it still is the men holding all the power in this society, but everyone felt it. Everyone felt the moment of confidence and justice. And so people stood, clapped, yelled, all for her, because she had the courage barely anybody else seemed to have.

Olivia Bridgerton was William Williams, and through our eyes, she won this competition fair and square. No matter what the rest of the world says, she is number one.

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