Absence ⚙️( pls do read)

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um this will be kinda long but it will pin point the reason why i haven't been updating stories

First of all, I am truly sorry about my absence, School is getting real busy now, i don't really have that much time to write nowadays. So I am sorry about that.

Next, about the stories, yes, i have written the story but I deleted it, mainly i started getting uncomfortable writing smut, I mean like it's interesting to write about it, but i just feel bad writing it now, i don't really know how to explain it but it gets real uncomfortable when i do. I won't completely stop writing smut, but what I mean is that I most likely won't write it that much from now on. Of course, there will be some smut chapters in the future, I just don't know when.

other than that, I just started losing interest and motivation to write anything, honestly, I have no clue what is happening now, I am so off track of everything, I don't know anymore. I know I should be writing, but then I don't have the motivation to get up and write, but I believe that you guys deserve an explanation so i wrote about this. Also it's just that i have received more and more hate comments, I know I shouldn't let that bring me down, but it just saddens me, like why can't you let people do what they want, like let me do things I am capable of and stop bitching around. It literally costs them $0 to keep it to themselves.

Lastly, I am thinking about writing short stories instead of 1k words stories, One, I don't really have the time to write stories that long now and Two, I might be able to post more. I mean if the stories does end up getting liked by many of you guys, I may write a long story about, but other than that i think I will change to writing 400-500words stories instead. 

I hope you guys understand and be considerate. Support will be appreciated.

Bye and Thanks :)


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