A secret (Sam x Dream)🌸

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summary: Sam and Dream are secretly dating 

On a fine day, weather was great, Sam was ready to take Dream out for a lunch date, they both dressed up neatly. Of course their relationship, is not exposed just yet, but they planned to tell the others soon.

Roughly 20mis later

Dream hears the doorbell ring, he knew who it was. He quickly ran downstairs, excited. He opened the door, standing in front him, an extremely hot, sexy person in a suit.

 "You look beautiful", Dream couldn't help it. 

They stood there for a few seconds before Sam decided the cut the silence

"Thanks! You're as cute as always, ready to go?" (honestly real cheesy lmao)

"yep!" Dream said smiling, He rarely takes off his mask, Sam is the only one he is comfortable without a mask.

After the reached the restaurant

They got their seats, they sat down just chatting, ordering food and complimenting each other with weird and thoughtful pick-up lines, (how does that work😂), Dream got chicken while Sam got Steak, they sat there spending time together until a certain someone, they looked so familiar stood in front of them, it was Sapnap and George,

"Soooo..."Sapnap said clearly teasing them,

"Um-m, it-it's not wha-t it lo-looks like"Dream looked like a mess, he looks so red, 

Sam giggled at the sight of a flustered boyfriend in front of him, 

"I guess we don't have a choice, don't we" Sam sapped back and sighed, Dream nodded in agreement,

"Yes, we are dating, but please don't tell others just yet, we want to tell them ourselves"Sam said it as calmly as possible,

"Fucking knew it from the start, George pay me the $20" Sapnap said being proud of himself,

"fine, we better leave soon before they start fucking around" George said with a smirk,

both Sam and Dream stay there for a little bit before leaving of the embarrassment, they went home and lets just say "aggressive cuddling"

-The end

Lmao I wrote this with no motivation, somehow managed to pull through, lmao 

def not proof read

Dream Bottom One Shots( Mcyt x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now