about the author:
colton richardson.
twenty two, thirty first december.
finance major.
part time working at an audit firm.is a concoction of impulsive acts and inherent fallacies. fancies researching about crypto currency and entrepreneurship. is mostly into non fiction and occasionally doesn't mind poetry. will be writing chronicles of unimportance which might make sense to half but that's okay because we're not here for long. comes off as rude and arrogant to the other half but that's alright too. never liked the concept of breaking down my walls for other people anyway so we're good this way. no doll face to post (incase you couldn't tell already) so here onwards would be writing this only for the purpose of keeping my sanity.
( i hate small talk so spare me all the tell me about yourself. it's all on here, so help yourself. )
words don't come that easy.
PoetryI've tried. but i've always failed to contain these thousand words in a few sentences, maybe im bad at expressing macro feelings in the few words that I'm limited to. you might think you know me enough because it's been a long time since i first wav...